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MC68HC05V7 Specification Rev. 1.0
COUNTER REGISTER - $18:$19, $1A:$1B
The key element in the programmable timer is a 16-bit, free-running counter or counter
register, preceded by a prescaler that divides the internal processor clock by four. The
prescaler gives the timer a resolution of 2.0 microseconds if the internal bus clock is 2.0
MHz. The counter is incremented during the low portion of the internal bus clock. Software
can read the counter at any time without affecting its value.
The double-byte, free-running counter can be read from either of two locations, $18-$19
(counter register) or $1A-$1B (counter alternate register). A read from only the least
significant byte (LSB) of the free-running counter ($19, $1B) receives the count value at the
time of the read. If a read of the free-running counter or counter alternate register first
addresses the most significant byte (MSB) ($18, $1A), the LSB ($19, $1B) is transferred to
a buffer. This buffer value remains fixed after the first MSB read, even if the user reads the
MSB several times. This buffer is accessed when reading the free-running counter or
counter alternate register LSB ($19 or $1B) and, thus, completes a read sequence of the
total counter value. In reading either the free-running counter or counter alternate register,
if the MSB is read, the LSB must also be read to complete the sequence.
The counter alternate register differs from the counter register in one respect: a read of the
counter register MSB can clear the timer overflow flag (TOF). Therefore, the counter
alternate register can be read at any time without the possibility of missing timer overflow
interrupts due to clearing of the TOF.
The free-running counter is configured to $FFFC during reset and is a read-only register
but only when the timer is enabled. During a power-on reset, the counter is also preset to
$FFFC and begins running only after the TON bit in the TIMER control register is set.
Because the free-running counter is 16 bits preceded by a fixed divided-by-four prescaler,
the value in the free-running counter repeats every 262,144 internal bus clock cycles.
When the counter rolls over from $FFFF to $0000, the TOF bit is set. An interrupt can also
be enabled when counter roll-over occurs by setting its interrupt enable bit (TOIE).
The I bit in the CCR should be set while manipulating both the high and
low byte register of a specific timer function to ensure that an interrupt
does not occur.
The 16-bit output compare register is made up of two 8-bit registers at locations $16 (MSB)
and $17 (LSB). The output compare register is used for several purposes, such as
indicating when a period of time has elapsed. All bits are readable and writable and are not
altered by the timer hardware or reset. If the compare function is not needed, the two bytes
of the output compare register can be used as storage locations.
The output compare register contents are continually compared with the contents of the
free-running counter. If a match is found, the corresponding output compare flag (OCF) bit
is set and the corresponding output level (OLVL) bit is clocked to an output level register.
The output compare register values and the output level bit should be changed after each
successful comparison to establish a new elapsed time-out. An interrupt can also