Mitsubishi microcomputers
M30240 Group
Specifications REV. G
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change
A-D Converter
1.2.24 A-D Converter
The A-D converter consists of one 10-bit successive approximation A-D converter circuit with a
capacitive coupling amplifier. Pins P100 to P107 function as the analog signal input pins. The direction
registers of these pins for A-D conversion must therefore be set to input. The Vref connect bit (bit 5 at
address 03D716) can be used to isolate the resistance ladder of the A-D converter from the reference
voltage input pin (VREF) when the A-D converter is not used. Doing so stops any current flowing into the
resistance ladder from VREF, reducing the power dissipation. When using the A-D converter, start A-D
conversion only after setting bit 5 of 03D716 to connect VREF.
The result of A-D conversion is stored in the A-D registers of the selected pins. When set to 10-bit
precision, the low 8 bits are stored in the even addresses and the high 2 bits in the odd addresses. When
set to 8-bit precision, the low 8 bits are stored in the even addresses.
Table 1.30:
Performance of A-D Convertera
Method of A-D conversion
Successive approximation (capacitive coupling amplifier)
Analog input voltage (Note)
0V to AVCC (VCC)
Operating clock fAD
VCC = 5V
fAD/divide-by-2 or fAD/divide-by-4 or fAD, fAD,f(XIN)
8-bit or 10-bit (selectable)
Absolute precision
VCC = 5V
Without sample and hold function
With sample and hold function (8-bit resolution)
With sample and hold function (10-bit resolution)
Operating modes
One-shot mode, repeat mode, single sweep mode, repeat sweep mode 0, and
repeat sweep mode 1
Analog input pins
8pins (AN0 to AN7)
A-D conversion start condition
Software trigger
A-D conversion starts when the A-D conversion start flag changes to “1”
External trigger (can be re-triggered)
A-D conversion starts when the A-D conversion start flag is “1” and the ADTRG/P87
input changes from “H” to “L”
Conversion speed per pin
Without sample and hold function
8-bit resolution: 49
φAD cycles, 10-bit resolution: 59 φAD cycles
With sample and hold function
8-bit resolution: 28
φAD cycles, 10-bit resolution: 33 φAD cycles
Note: Does not depend on use of sample and hold function