Lattice Semiconductor
ORCA ORSO82G5 Data Sheet
the common clock. The input to the FIFO consists of 32-bit data and a frame pulse that indicates the start of a
frame (or A1A2 framing bytes). This frame pulse is used to synchronize multiple channels within an alignment
If a channel is not in any alignment group, the FIFO control logic will set the FIFO-write-address to the beginning of
the FIFO, and will set the FIFO-read-address to the middle of the FIFO at the rst assertion of frame pulse after
reset or after the resync command.
The RX_FIFO_MIN register bits can be used to control the threshold for minimum unused buffer space in the align-
ment FIFOs between read and write pointers before OVFL status is agged. The synchronization algorithm con-
sists of a down counter which starts to count down by 1 from its initial value of 18 (decimal) when a frame pulse
from any channel within an alignment group has been received. The OOS alarm indicates the FIFO is out-of sync
and the channel skew exceeds that which can be handled by the FIFO. Once the frame pulse for all channels within
the alignment group have been received, the count is decremented by 2 until 0 is reached. Data are then read from
the FIFOs and output to the SPE generator before being sent to the FPGA.
For every alignment group, there is an OVFL and OOS status register bit. The OOS bit is agged when the down
counter in the synchronization algorithm has reached a value of 0 and frame pulse from all channels within an
alignment group have not been received. The OVFL bit is agged when the read address at the time of receiving a
frame pulse, is less than the minimum threshold set by RX_FIFO_MIN. In the memory map section OOS is referred
to as SYNC[2,4]_[A1,A2,B1,B2]_OOS, SYNC8_OOS. OVFL is referred to as SYNC[2,4]_[A1,A2,B1,B2]_OVFL,
Receive Clocking for Multi-channel Alignment
There are a total of nine clocks for the receive path, from FPGA to the core. The four used in SONET mode are
RSYSCLKA1 and RSYSCLKA2 (both for quad A), and RSYSCLKB1 and RSYSCLKB2 (both for quad B). The fol-
lowing diagrams show the recommended clock distribution approaches for SONET mode multi-channel alignment
modes. Cell mode alignment is discussed in the section describing the Input Port Controller (IPC).)