January 23, 2006
Revision A (January 20, 2003)
Initial release.
Revision B (September 17, 2003)
Changed data sheet status from Advance Information
to Preliminary.
Distinctive Characteristics
Changed description of device erase cycle endurance.
Changed typical sector erase time, typical write buffer
programming time, and typical active read current
Customer Lockable: SecSi Sector NOT
Programmed or Protected at the factory.
Added second bullet, SecSi sector-protect verify text
and figure 3.
Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands
Deleted reference to erase-suspended sector address
requirement for commands.
Tables 10 and 11, Command Definitions
Corrected addresses for Erase Suspend and Erase
Resume to “XXX” (don’t care).
DC Characteristics
Changed typical and maximum values for I
, I
and I
. Values for different frequencies were added
to I
and I
AC Characteristics
Erase and Program Operations table; Alternate CE#
Controlled Erase and Program Operations table.
Changed values for the following parameters: Write
Buffer Program Operation, Effective Write Buffer Pro-
gram Operation, Accelerated Effective Write Buffer
Program Operation, Sector Erase Operation, Single
Doubleword/Word Program Operation, Accelerated
Single Doubleword/Word Program Operation (the
phrase “Single Doubleword/Word” was added to the
last two parameter titles).
Erase and Programming Performance
Changed typical sector erase time. Changed typical
chip erase time and added maximum erase time. Re-
placed TBDs for all typical specifications with actual
values. Added phrase “Single Doubleword/Word” to
Program Time and Accelerated Program Time param-
eters titles. Added Total Write Buffer Program Time
and Total Accelerated Write Buffer Program Time pa-
rameters to table. Changed device endurance in Note
1 to 10,000 cycles. Changed write buffer operation
size in Note 3. Note 4 now refers to write buffer pro-
gramming instead of chip programming. Deleted Note
Revision B+1 (January 23, 2006)
This product has been retired and is not available for
designs. For new and current designs, S29GL128N
supersedesS29LV6402M and is the factory-recom-
mended migration path. Please refer to the
S29GL128N Data Sheet for specifications and order-
ing information. Availability of this document is re-
tained for reference and historical purposes only.
Updated migration statement on cover page and first
page of data sheet.
Updated trademarks.
Copyright 2005-2006 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
ExpressFlash is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.