Functional Description
The HI7188 contains a differential 8 channel multiplexer,
Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier (PGIA), 4th
order sigma-delta ADC, integrating filter, line noise rejection
filters, Calibration and data RAMs, bidirectional serial port,
clock oscillator, and a microsequencer. The 8 to 1 multi-
plexer at the input combined with the resetable modulator on
the HI7188 allow for conversions of up to 8 differential chan-
nels with each channel being updated at a rate of 240 sam-
ples per second (with 60Hz line noise rejection enabled).
The device can be programmed for conversion of any combi-
nation of physical channels. After the signal has passed
through the multiplexer, it moves into the PGIA. The PGIA
can be configured in gains of 1, 2, 4 and 8 specific for each
of the 8 logical channels. The signal then enters the sigma
delta modulator. The patented one-shot sigma delta modula-
tor is a fourth order modulator which converts the differential
analog signal into a series of one bit outputs. The 1’s density
of this data stream provides a digital representation of the
analog input. The output of the modulator is fed into the inte-
grating low pass digital filter. Data out of the filter is available
after 201 bits are received from the modulator.
If the device is in line noise rejection mode, the integrating fil-
ter data is routed to the Line Noise Rejection filters. This
data is then calibrated using the offset and gain calibration
coefficients. Data coding is performed and the result is
stored in the data RAM. If line noise rejection is disabled, the
averaging filter is bypassed, calibration is performed on the
data from the integrating filter, the data is coded, and the
result is stored in the data RAM.
This data flow of modulation, filter and calibrate is repeated
for each of the active logical channels (up to 8). After all
active logical channels are converted the HI7188 generates
an active low interrupt, End Of Scan (EOS), that indicates all
logical channels have been updated and valid data is avail-
able to be read from the data RAM.
Converted data is read via the HI7188 serial I/O port which
is compatible with most synchronous transfer formats includ-
ing both the Motorola SPI and Intel 8051 series SSR proto-
cols. All RAMs, including the Data RAM, are accessed in a
“burst” mode. That is, the data for all active logical channels
is accessed in a single read communication cycle.
Using the HI7188
This section describes how to use the device for a typical
application. This includes power supply considerations, initial
reset, calibration and conversion. Please refer to Figure 7.
The analog and digital supplies and grounds are separate
on the HI7188 to minimize digital noise coupling into the
analog circuitry. Nominal supply voltages are AV
= +5V,
= +5V, and AV
= -5V. If the same supply is used
for AV
and DV
it is imperative that the supply is sepa-
rately decoupled to the AV
and DV
pins on the
HI7188. Separate analog and digital ground planes should
be maintained on the system board and the grounds should
be tied together back at the power supply.
When the HI7188 is powered up it needs to be reset by pulling
the RST line low. This resets the internal registers as shown in
Table 1. This initial configuration defines the part for one
active logical channel (physical channel 1, address 000), con-
version mode, unipolar operation, gain of one, no line noise
rejection, offset binary coding, MSB first I/O bit order,
descending I/O byte order, and single line interface. After the
RST line returns high, the device immediately begins convert-
ing as described above without any further instruction. There
is no correction for offset or gain errors on the converted data
at this time. To ensure maximum performance, calibration
should be done as defined in the operation mode section.
The reset configuration should be updated to reflect the users
system including chip level and channel level programming.
1. Chip level refers to programming common to all channels
such as 50/60 Hertz Line Noise Rejection, number of ac-
tive channels, etc. and is detailed in the Control Register
(CR) section.
2. Channel level programming is custom for each channel
such as gain, physical input and mode as detailed in the
Channel Configuration Registers (CCR) section.
A calibration routine should be performed next to remove
system offset and full scale errors (see Calibration section).
The CCR is used to place each channel of the device in sev-
eral operational modes including Conversion, System Offset
Calibration, System Positive Full Scale Calibration and Sys-
tem Negative Full Scale Calibration. Each channel inputs
should be connected and settled to the correct input condi-
tion before the CCR is programmed for each calibration
point. After a complete system calibration is performed, the
desired analog input is applied and accurate data can be
read via the serial interface. The device should be recalibrated
when there is a change in the user configuration (i.e. gain, uni-
polar/bipolar), supply voltage or ambient temperature.
The configuration can be saved by writing the contents of the
CR, CCR and calibration RAMs to microprocessor system
memory (see Serial Interface section). After this has
occurred, the configuration can easily be restored back to
the HI7188 in the event of power failure or reset.
Analog Section Description
The analog portion of the HI7188 consists of a 8 to 1 fully dif-
ferential Multiplexer, Programmable Gain Instrumentation
amplifier (PGIA) and a 4th order Sigma-Delta modulator.
Please refer to the simplified analog block diagram in Figure 8.
Data Output Registers
XXXX (undefined)
Channel Configuration Register #2
Channel Configuration Register #1
Control Register
Offset Calibration Registers
Positive Full Scale Calibration Registers
Negative Full Scale Calibration Registers