Rev.0.22, May.23.2003, page 71 of 159
Reset Function
The HD66787 makes internal initialization with RESET input. During RESET, the HD66787 is in a busy
state, and no instruction from the MPU and access to GRAM are accepted. The time required for the
RESET input is at least 1ms. In case of power-on reset, wait at least 10ms after the power is turned on until
the R-C oscillation frequency becomes stabilized. While waiting, do not make an initial setting for the
instruction set or an access to GRAM.
Initial State of Instructions
a. Start oscillation
b. Driver output control (NL4–0 = “11101”, SS = “0”, SM = “0”, EPL = “0”, DPL = “0”, HSPL = “0”,
VSPL = “0”)
c. Liquid crystal AC drive control (B/C = “0”, EOR = “0”, NW5–0 = “00000”)
d. Entry mode set (HWM = “0”, I/D1-0 = “11”: Increment by 1, AM = “0” : Horizontal direction,
LG2–0 = “000” : Replace mode, BGR = “0”, TRI = “0”, DFM1-0 = “00”)
e. Compare register (CP17–0 : “00 0000 0000 0000 0000”)
Display control 1 (PT1-0 = “00”, VLE2-1 = “00” : No vertical scroll, SPT = “0”, DTE = “0”,
CL = “0” : 65,536-color mode, REV = “0”, D1-0 = “00” : Display OFF)
g. Display control 2 (BP3-0 = “1000”, FP3-0 = “1000”)
h. Frame cycle control (NO1-0 = “00”, SDT1-0 = “00”, EQ1-0 = “00” : No equalization,
DIV1-0 = “00”: clock/1, RTN3-0 = “0000” : 16 clocks in 1H period)
External display interface (RIM1-0 = “00” : 18-bit RGB interface,
DM1-0 = “00” : internal clock operation, RM = “0” : System interface)
LTPS interface control (TG0 = “1”, STG2-0 = “000”, SHW1-0 = “00”, CLW2-0 = “000”)
k. Power control 1 (SAP2-0 = “000”, BT2-0 = “000”, AP2–0 = “000”: liquid crystal power off,
DK = “1” : DCDC1 off, SLP = “0”, STB = “0” : Standby mode off)
Power control 2 (DC12-0 = “000”, DC02-00 = “000”, VC2-0 = “000”)
m. Power control 3 (PON = “0”, VRH3-0 = “00000”)
n. Power control 4 (VCOMG = “0”, VDV4-0 = “00000”, VCM4-0 = “00000”)
o. RAM address set (AD15–0 = “0000”H)
p. RAM write data mask (WM17–0 = “18’h00000”: No mask)
(PKP02-00 = “000”, PKP12-10 = “000”, PKP22-20 = “000”, PKP32-30 = “000”,
PKP42-40 = “000”, PKP52-50 = “000”, PRP02-00 = “000”, PRP12-10 = “000”)
(PKN02-00 = “000”, PKN12-10 = “000”, PKN22-20 = “000”, PKN32-30 = “000”,
PKN42-40 = “000”, PKN52-50 = “000”, PRN02-00 = “000”, PRN12-10 = “000”)
(VRP14-10 = “00000”, VRP03-00 = “0000”, VRN14-10 = “00000”, VRN12-10 = “000”)
Vertical scroll (VL7–0 = “00000000”)
1st split screen (SE17-10 = “11111111”, SS17-10 = “00000000”)
2nd split screen (SE27-20 = “11111111”, SS27-20 = “00000000”)
u. Horizontal RAM address position (HEA7-0 = “10000011”, HSA7-0 = “00000000”)
v. Vertical RAM address position (VEA7-0 = “10101111”, VSA7-0 = “00000000”)