Chapter 3. DINK32 Commands
3.28 GPIC
The “gpic” command is used on the MPV reference platform only. The gpic commands are
used to initialize the Galileo Discovery Programmable Interrupt Controller (GPIC). The
initialization process sets the system up in a default configuration for the MVP platform.
This default configuration initializes the Discovery Multi Purpose Pins (MPP), General
Purpose Port (GPP), and Interrupt Controller. The interrupt scheme on MVP utilizes the
MPP on Discovery to map several of the GPP pins to serve as the external interrupt source
inputs and interprocessor interrupts. The interrupt sources are the Super IO, PCI 0 Slots 3-0,
PCI 1 Slots 3-0, and CPU 0 and CPU 1 cross-processor interrupt inputs.
The cross-processor interrupt scheme uses four GPP pins. GPP[5] is used as the CPU 0
cross-processor output signal and GPP[30] is the corresponding CPU 1 cross-processor
input. GPP[31] is used as the CPU 1 cross-processor output signal and GPP[4] is the
corresponding CPU 0 cross-processor input. Software can write to the GPP Value Register
to assert and de-assert GPP[5] for CPU 0 or GPP[31] for CPU 1 to signal a cross-processor
interrupt to the other CPU. In DINK32, CPU 1 is only setup to be interrupted by an
assertion of the GPP[30] interrupt input, or a Timer 2 or 3 interrupt. An interrupt to CPU 1
is signalled via the Discovery INT1_ interrupt output. All other interrupts detected by
Discovery are routed to CPU 0 via the Discovery CPU_INT_ output.
Usage: gpic [init|eie|eid|...]
gpic ex - "gpic" command example uses
gpic - Display various GPIC status info
gpic init - Initialize the GPIC unit to default mode
gpic eie - External interrupt enable
gpic eid - External interrupt disable
gpic cpu0 - Assert cross-processor interrupt to CPU0
gpic cpu1 - Assert cross-processor interrupt to CPU1
gpic sl - GPIC Sleep Demo
gpic tmcnt [timer(0-7)]
- Print Timer count value for all or specific timer
gpic tmcnt timer[0-7] count
- Write given count value to given timer
gpic tmcon [timer(0-7)]
- Print Timer Config Info for all or specific timer
gpic tmcon timer(0-7) enable(0|1) [mode(0|1) trigger(0|1)]
- Configure Timer Counters
gpic [command]
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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