DINK32 PowerPC ISA Debugger User’s Manual
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Go to: www.freescale.com
Memory Map
512 Kbyte EPROM or Flash
512 Kbyte RAM
EDINK software package can be executed on simulators or microprocessor boards that
include the following devices and minimum memory configuration:
MPC8540 Instruction Set Simulator
e500 core Instruction Set Simulator
Also, on microprocessor boards such as the ‘Mars:Elysium’ MPC8540 reference board that
include the following devices:
Flash on LCS0
At least 64 MB DDR SDRAM
Internal DUART
Note that DINK does not currently support the MPC8560, lacking the required DUART.
Future revisions will support the HDLC UART and/or the ‘Mars:Arcadia’ motherboard
UART through PCI.
Memory Map
The memory model for DINK32 is shown in Table 1-1. The exception vectors and
exception code are located within address offsets 0x0000–0x2100. The DINK32 code
through 0x7FFFF is copied from the EPROM to RAM so that the data structures can be
modified at run time. For example, the data structures for the chip registers need to be
modified when the ‘register modify’ command is executed.
The EPROM must be located at address 0xFFF00000 because this is the beginning of the
exception address space at system reset. The RAM must be located at address 0x00000000,
since this is the low-memory exception address space, where the DINK32 code will be
copied. Available user memory space begins at address 0x100000 and ends at the RAM’s
upper boundary; address space below 0x100000 is reserved for DINK32.
DINK32 sets the stack pointer, GPR1, to one of the addresses shown for the indicated
processor and to maintain isolation between user’s and DINK’s stack.
Table 1-1. DINK Address Map
End of ROM space
End of DINK32 code
Start of DINK vectors (reset vector)
Start of DINK image
End of replicated flash images
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.