Appendix A. History of DINK32 Changes
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— Change Dink Manual to reflect that we are using BAT3 to support the uart
descriptors and buffers at 01c00000 (about 29MB decimal) If user want to use
this memory space they need to fix except2.s and
5. Much better cache support with CCs cache management code.
a) all cache management routines (flush, flush_disable, inval_enable) have been
thoroughly proven on 603e,8240/8245,750/755,7400/7410,7455 and may be
useful as example code.
b) L2 (and L3 if applicable) can now be enabled on dink boot by setting
environment variables L2CACHE and L3CACHE. Dink will always use those
settings (i.e. regmod no longer can change dink’s HID0,L2CR, or L3CR) The
prescribed way to change L2CR or L3CR is to change env variables and reboot.
Dink’s HID0 is programmed to enable the maximum performance features at
dink boot up. (Dink’s HID0, L2CR, and L3CR are the user’s initial state.)
c) Regmod can modify the user’s cache state and the appropriate flush,disable,
invalidate, and enable routines manage the transition between user cache state
and dink cache state on every go_trace and return_from_exception (or
d) By enabling VERBOSE=1 in the environment variables you can observe the
transitions between dink cache state and user cache state and return.
6. PCI MEM aperture set to 256MB
7. FPRs are set to zero on reset.
8. Corrections for PCI drive strength on PMC cards.
9. Set EXTROM and TBEN for MPC8245, plus reduced size write.
10. New rd/rm parser:
‘rd bats’ -- shows bats
‘rd r’ -- shows registers in condensed column format.
‘rd SPR.FIELD’ -- shows individual bits of an SPR register.
‘rm SPR.FIELD’ -- shows/modifies individual bits of an SPR register.
In non-verbose mode, registers are not forced aligned and are
printed in a denser format. ‘ENV RDMODE=e’
11. fu for local flash faster
12. id command extended for L3 support and MPC8245-standalone mode.
13. reg_spr.c maintained with a database/structure system instead of individual
14.gpic support and new gpic command
15.Reorganize all the makefiles to have one file for the compiler tool paths.
16.Added new demos and utilities directories.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.