Appendix E. MPC8240 Drivers
unsigned int I2ODBGet( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base)
loc = LOCAL or REMOTE: Use LOCAL if called from agent, REMOTE ifcalled
from host. This controls the use of the base parameter as PCSR (ifREMOTE) or
EUMB (ifLOCAL) and selection of outbound (if REMOTE) or inbound(if LOCAL)
doorbell registers.
base is the base address of PCSR or EUMB.
Returns:Contents of agent's inbound (if loc = LOCAL) or outbound (if loc
REMOTE) doorbell register.
Returns content of specified doorbell register and clears the doorbell register.
void I2ODBPost( LOCATION loc,unsigned int base,unsigned int msg )
loc = LOCAL or REMOTE: Use LOCAL if called from agent, REMOTE ifcalled
from host. This controls the use of the base parameter as PCSR (ifREMOTE) or
EUMB (if LOCAL) and selection of outbound (if REMOTE) or inbound(if
LOCAL) doorbell registers.
base is the base address of PCSR or EUMB
msg is the 32 bit value written to the specified doorbell register
The 32 bit value is written to the specified doorbell register.
I2OSTATUS I2OInMsgStatGet(unsigned int eumbbarI2OIMSTAT *val)
eumbbar is the base address of the agent's EUMB
*val receives the agent's inbound message interrupt statusregister
The agent's Inbound Message Interrupt Status Register (IMISR)content is masked
by the agent's Inbound Message Interrupt Mask Register(IMIMR) and placed in the address
given in the val parameter. The IMISRregister is cleared.
I2OSTATUS I2OOutMsgStatGet(unsigned int pcsrbar,I2OOMSTAT *val)
pcsrbar is the base address of the agent's PCSR
*val receives the agent's outbound message interrupt statusregister
The agent's Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register (OMISR)content is masked by the
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