Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1
DINK is an acronym for Demonstrative Interactive Nano Kernel.
DINK32 is a flexible software tool enabling initialization, evaluation, and debugging of the
PowerPC 32-bit microprocessors. The introduction of the PowerPC architecture
provided an opportunity to create an interactive debugger independent from previous debug
monitors. Since this family of microprocessors spans a wide market range, DINK32 has to
be extensible and portable, as well as being specific enough to be useful for a wide variety
of applications. It is designed to be both a hardware and software debugging tool. DINK32
was written in ANSI C and built with modular routines around a central core. Only a few
necessary functions were written in PowerPC assembly. This document describes the
DINK32 software, the DINK32 command set, utilities, user program execution, errors and
exceptions, and restrictions.
DINK supports numerous compilers, compilation options, and target platforms. Some of
these are used often enough to warrant a distinctive name:
Standard DINK
Minimal DINK—fits in one sector of the Excimer/Maximer flash
and can load standard DINK32 into the remainder. Only available
with Excimer—no source or downloadable code is available.
Virtual DINK—a version of DINK which runs under Linux, Unix, or
Windows and can emulate both DINK and the 32-bit PowerPC ISA
sufficiently to emulate itself.
DINK for the e500 core processor.
Standalone DINK. For the UnityX4 MPC8245 or UnityLC X1
MPC8241, standalone DINK runs on the MPMC module outside of
the Sandpoint environment (see Motorola Application Note
Using the MPMC8245 Card in Standalone Mode
However, in this user’s manual, all versions of DINK will be referred to as DINK unless a
particular variant is specifically referred to.
Starting with release R12.3, source files are not supplied for all functions of DINK32 (but
are present for the DINK drivers, demos, and utilities). All chapters dealing with the full
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