ensure the XMTFIFO does not underflow during the
transmit process, versus using the default XMTSP
value. Note that if 64 single byte writes are executed on
the XMTFIFO, and the XMTSP is set to 64-bytes, the
transmission will commence, and all 64-bytes of infor-
mation will be accepted by the XMTFIFO.
The number of write cycles that the host uses to write the
packet into the Transmit FIFO will also directly influence
the amount of space utilized by the transmit message. If
the number of write cycles (n) required to transfer a
packet to the Transmit FIFO is even, the number of
bytes used in the Transmit FIFO will be 2*n. If the num-
ber of write cycles required to transfer a packet to the
Transmit FIFO is odd, the number of bytes used in the
Transmit FIFO will be 2*n + 2 because the End Of Frame
indication in the XMTFIFO is always placed at the end of
a 4-byte boundary. For example, a 32-byte message
written as bytes (n = 32 cycles) will use 64-bytes of
space in the Transmit FIFO (2*n = 64), whereas a
65-byte message written as 32 words and 1 byte (n = 33
cycles) would use 68-bytes (2*n + 2 = 68) .
The Transmit FIFO has been sized appropriately to
minimize the system interface overhead. However, con-
sideration must be given to overall system design if byte
writes are supported. In order to guarantee that suffi-
cient space is present in the XMTFIFO to accept the
number of write cycles programmed by the XMTFW (in-
cluding an End Of Framedelimiter),
may go
inactive before the XMTSP threshold is reached when
using the non burst mode (XMTBRST = 0). For instance,
assume that the XMTFW is programmed to allow 32
write cycles (default), and XMTSP is programmed to re-
quire 64 bytes (default) before starting transmission. As-
suming that the host bursts the transmit data in a 32
cycle block, writing a single byte anywhere within this
block will mean that XMTSP will not have been reached.
This would be a typical scenario if the transmit data
buffer was not aligned to a word boundary. The MACE
device will continue to assert
since an addi-
tional 36 write cycles can still be executed. If the host
starts a second burst, the XMTSP will be reached, and
will deassert when less that 32 write cycle can
be performed although the data written by the host will
continue to be accepted.
The host must be aware that additional space exists in
the XMTFIFO although
becomes inactive, and
must continue to write data to ensure the XMTSP
threshold is achieved. No transmit activity will com-
mence until the XMTSP threshold is reached. Once 36
write cycles have been executed.
Note that write cycles can be performed to the XMTFIFO
even if the
is inactive. When
is as-
serted, it guarantees that a minimum amount of space
exists, when
is deasserted, it does not neces-
sarily indicate that there is no space in the XMTFIFO.
pin will indicate the successful acceptance of
data by the Transmit FIFO.
As another example, assume again that the XMTFW is
programmed for 32 write cycles. If the host writes word
wide data continuously to the XMTFIFO, the
will deassert when 36 writes have executed on the
XMTFIFO, at which point 72-bytes will have been writ-
ten to the XMTFIFO, the 64-byte XMTSP will have been
exceeded and the transmission of preamble will have
will not re-assert until the trans-
mission of the packet data has commenced and the pos-
sibility of losing data due to a collision within the slot time
is removed (512 bits have been transmitted without a
collision indication). Assuming that the host actually
stopped writing data after the initial 72-bytes, there will
be only 16-bytes of data remaining in the XMTFIFO
(8-bytes of preamble/SFD plus 56-bytes of data have
been transmitted), corresponding to 12.8
s of latency
before an XMTFIFO underrun occurs. This latency is
considerably less than the maximum possible 57.6
the system may have assumed. If the host had contin-
ued with the block transfer until 64 write cycles had been
performed, 128-bytes would have been written to the
XMTFIFO, and 72-bytes of latency would remain
s) when
was re-asserted.
Transmit FIFO—Burst Operation:
The XMTFIFO burst mode, programmed by the
XMTBRST bit in the FIFO Configuration Control regis-
ter, modifies
behavior. The assertion of
is controlled by the programming of the
XMTFW bits, such that when the specified number of
write cycles can be guaranteed (8, 16 or 32),
will be asserted.
will be de-asserted when the
XMTFIFO can only accept a single write cycle (one word
write including an End Of Framedelimiter) allowing the
external device to burst data into the XMTFIFO when
is asserted, and stop when
Receive FIFO—General Operation:
The Receive FIFO contains additional logic to ensure
that sufficient data is present in the RCVFIFO to allow
the specified number of bytes to be read, regardless of
the ordering of byte/word read accesses. This has an
impact on the perceived latency that the Receive FIFO
provides to the host system. The description and table
below outline the point at which
will be as-
serted when the first duration of the packet has been re-
ceived and when any subsequent transfer of the packet
to the host system is required.
No preamble/SFD bytes are loaded into the Receive
FIFO. All references to bytes pass through the receive
FIFO. These references are received after the pream-
ble/SFD sequence.