Rev. A | Page 19 of 32
Bit 5: Tx Path Select Profile 1
The AD9879 quadrature digital upconverter is capable of
storing two preconfigured modulation modes called profiles.
Each profile defines a transmit frequency tuning word and cable
driver amplifier gain (DAC gain) setting. The profile select bit
or PROFILE pin programs the current register profile to be
used. The profile select bit should always be 0 if the PROFILE
pin is to be used to switch between profiles. Using the profile
select bit as a means of switching between different profiles
requires the PROFILE pin to be tied low.
Tx Path Frequency Tuning Words
The frequency tuning word (FTW) determines the DDS-
generated carrier frequency (fC) and is formed via a
concatenation of register addresses.
The 26-bit FTW is spread over four register addresses. Bit 25 is
the MSB and Bit 0 is the LSB.
The carrier frequency equation is given as
fc = [FTW × fSYSCLK]/226
FTW < 0 × 2000000.
Changes to FTW bytes take effect immediately.
Cable Driver Gain Control
The AD9879 has a 3-pin interface to the AD832x family of
programmable gain cable driver amplifiers. This allows direct
control of the cable driver’s gain through the AD9879.
In its default mode, the complete 8-bit register value is
transmitted over the 3-wire cable amplifier (CA) interface.
If Bit 3 of Register 0x0F is set high, Bits [7:4] determine the
8-bit word sent over the CA interface according to
Table 7.Table 7. Cable Driver Gain Control
Bits [7:4]
CA Interface Transmit Word
0000 0000 (default)
0000 0001
0100 0000
1000 0000
In this mode, the lower bits determine the fine gain setting of
the DAC output.
Table 8. DAC Output Fine Gain Setting
Bits [3:0]
DAC Fine Gain
0.0 dB (default)
0.5 dB
7.0 dB
7.5 dB
New data is automatically sent over the 3-wire CA interface
(and DAC gain adjust) whenever the value of the active gain
control register changes or a new profile is selected. The default
value is 0x00 (lowest gain).
The formula for the combined output level calculation of the
AD9879 fine gain and AD8327 or AD8322 coarse gain is
V8327 = V9879(0) + (fine)/2 + 6(coarse) 19
V8322 = V9879(0) + (fine)/2 + 6(coarse) 14
fine is the decimal value of Bits [3:0].
coarse is the decimal value of Bits [7:8].
V9879(0) is level at AD9879 output in dBmV for fine = 0.
V8327 is level at output of AD8327 in dBmV.
V8322 is level at output of AD8322 in dBmV.