Functional Description
82801BA ICH2 Datasheet
Shutdown latency is incurred after outstanding scheduled IDE data port transactions (either a
non-empty write post buffer or an outstanding read prefetch cycles) have completed and
before other transactions can proceed. It provides hold time on the DA[2:0] and CSxx# lines
with respect to the read and write strobes (DIOR# and DIOW#). Shutdown latency is 2 PCI
clocks in duration.
The IDE timings for various transaction types are shown in
Table 5-54
. Note that bit 2 (16 bit I/O
recovery enable) of the ISA I/O Recovery Timer Register does not add wait states to IDE data port
read accesses when any of the fast timing modes are enabled.
IORDY Masking
The IORDY signal can be ignored and assumed asserted at the first IORDY Sample Point (ISP) on
a drive by drive basis via the IDETIM Register.
PIO 32 Bit IDE Data Port Accesses
A 32-bit PCI transaction run to the IDE data address (01F0h primary, 0170h secondary) results in
two back-to-back 16-bit transactions to the IDE data port. The 32-bit data port feature is enabled
for all timings, not just enhanced timing. For compatible timings, a shutdown and startup latency is
incurred between the two 16-bit halves of the IDE transaction. This guarantees that the chip selects
will be deasserted for at least 2 PCI clocks between the 2 cycles.
PIO IDE Data Port Prefetching and Posting
The ICH2 can be programmed via the IDETIM registers to allow data to be posted to and
prefetched from the IDE data ports.
Data prefetching is initiated when a data port read occurs. The read prefetch eliminates latency to
the IDE data ports and allows them to be performed back to back for the highest possible PIO data
transfer rates. The first data port read of a sector is called the demand read. Subsequent data port
reads from the sector are called prefetch reads. The demand read and all prefetch reads much be of
the same size (16 or 32 bits).
Data posting is performed for writes to the IDE data ports. The transaction is completed on the PCI
bus after the data is received by the ICH2. The ICH2 then runs the IDE cycle to transfer the data to
the drive. If the ICH2 write buffer is non-empty and an unrelated (non-data or opposite channel)
IDE transaction occurs, that transaction is stalled until all current data in the write buffer is
transferred to the drive.
Table 5-54. IDE Transaction Timings (PCI Clocks)
IDE Transaction Type
IORDY Sample
Point (ISP)
Recovery Time
Non-Data Port Compatible
Data Port Compatible
Fast Timing Mode
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