28F6408W30, 28F3204W30, 28F320W30, 28F640W30
Block Unlock
Unlocked blocks (states [000], [100], [110]) can be programmed or erased. All unlocked blocks
return to locked when the device is reset or powered down. An unlocked block can be locked or
locked-down using the appropriate software commands. If it
s not locked-down, a locked block can
be unlocked by writing the Unlock Block command sequence.
Lock-Down Block
Locked-down blocks (state [011]) are protected from program and erase operations, but unlike
locked blocks, software commands alone cannot change their protection status. A locked-down
block can only be unlocked when WP# is high. When WP# is low, all locked-down blocks revert to
locked. A locked or unlocked block can be locked-down by writing the Lock-Down Block
command sequence. Locked-down blocks revert to the locked state at device reset or power-down.
Block Lock Operations during Erase Suspend
Block lock configurations can be performed during an erase suspend by using the standard locking
command sequences to unlock, lock, or lock-down a block. Useful when another block requires
immediate updating.
To change block locking during an erase operation, first write the Erase Suspend command. After
checking SR.6 to determine that the erase operation has suspended, write the desired lock
command sequence to a block; the lock status will be changed. After completing lock, unlock,
read, or program operations, resume the erase operation with the Erase Resume command (D0h).
If a block is locked or locked-down during a suspended erase of the same block, the locking status
bits will change immediately. But when resumed, the erase operation will complete.
Locking operations cannot occur during program suspend.
Appendix A,
Flash Write State
Machine (WSM)
shows valid commands during erase suspend.
WP# Lock-Down Control
WP# allows block lock-down to be overridden.
Table 14
defines device write protection
WP# controls the lock-down function. WP# = V
(0) protects locked-down blocks [011] from
program, erase, and lock status changes. When WP# = V
(1), the locked-down blocks revert to
locked [111]. A software command can then individually unlock a block [110] for erase or
program. These blocks can then be re-locked [111] while WP# remains high. When WP# returns
low, previously locked-down blocks revert to the lock-down state [011] regardless of changes made
while WP# was high. Device reset or power-down resets all blocks to the locked state [101] or