Characteristics subject to change without notice.
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REV 1.0.1 6/14/01
Acknowledge Polling
The disabling of the inputs during high voltage cycles
can be used to take advantage of the typical 5ms write
cycle time. Once the stop condition is issued to indi-
cate the end of the master’s byte load operation, the
device initiates the internal non volatile write cycle.
Acknowledge polling can be initiated immediately. To
do this, the master issues a start condition followed by
the slave address byte for a write or read operation. If
the device is still busy with the high voltage cycle then
no ACK will be returned. If the device has completed
the write operation, an ACK will be returned and the
host can then proceed with the read or write operation.
Refer to the flow chart in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Acknowledge Polling Sequence
Serial Read Operations
Read operations are initiated in the same manner as
write operations with the exception that the R/W bit of
the slave address byte is set to one. There are three
basic read operations: current address read, random
read, and sequential read.
Current Address Read
Internally the device contains an address counter that
maintains the address of the last word read incre-
mented by one. Therefore, if the last read was to
address n, the next read operation would access data
from address n+1. On power up, the address of the
address counter is undefined, requiring a read or write
operation for initialization.
Upon receipt of the slave address byte with the R/W bit
set to one, the device issues an acknowledge and then
transmits the eight bits of the data byte. The master
terminates the read operation when it does not
respond with an acknowledge during the ninth clock
and then issues a stop condition. Refer to Figure 9 for
the address, acknowledge, and data transfer sequence.
It should be noted that the ninth clock cycle of the read
operation is not a “don’t care.” To terminate a read
operation, the master must either issue a stop condi-
tion during the ninth cycle or hold SDA HIGH during
the ninth clock cycle and then issue a stop condition.
Random Read
A random read operation allows the master to access
any memory location in the array. Prior to issuing the
slave address byte with the R/W bit set to one, the
master must first perform a “dummy” write operation.
The master issues the start condition and the slave
address byte, receives an acknowledge, then issues
the word address byte. After acknowledging receipts of
the word address byte, the master immediately issues
another start condition and the slave address byte with
the R/W bit set to one. This is followed by an acknowl-
edge from the device and then by the eight bit word.
The master terminates the read operation by not
responding with an acknowledge and then issuing a
stop condition. Refer to Figure 10 for the address,
acknowledge, and data transfer sequence.
Issue Slave Address
Byte (Read or Write)
Byte load completed
by issuing STOP.
Enter ACK Polling
Issue STOP
High Voltage Cycle
complete. Continue
command sequence
Issue STOP
Continue Normal
Read or Write
Command Sequence