that is a logical 1 makes “Don’t care” for the corresponding bit of the transparency color .
GAREG Hex 10 : Transparency Mask Register 2
This is a read/write register.
Default value after hardware reset is Hex 00,00.
Default port address 43C4.
PCI port address low 40.
Transparency mask bit 16 to 31
Bit 0-15
These bits would use to define the transparency mask bits that are used to compare with the transpar-
ency color all graphics engine commands except image read. The pixels of the destination are com-
pared against the transparency color under control of the transparency mask. Each bit of transparency
mask that is a logical 1 makes “Don’t care” for the corresponding bit of the transparency color .
GAREG Hex 11 : Top Clipping Position Register
This is a read/write register.
Default value after hardware reset is Hex 00,00.
Default port address 47C4.
PCI port address low 44.
Top Clipping position bit 0-10
Bit 0-10
These bits are conjunction with GAREG 12,13,14 to define a rectangular area . Any pixel inside and
on the boundary of the rectangular area can be updated during a Graphics Command operation .
Bit 11-15
GAREG Hex 12 : Left Clipping Position Register
This is a read/write register.
Default value after hardware reset is Hex 00,00.
Default port address 4BC4.
PCI port address low 48.
Left Clipping position bit 0-10
Bit 0-10
These bits are conjunction with GAREG 11,13,14 to define a rectangular area . Any pixel inside and
on the boundary of the rectangular area can be updated during a Graphics Command operation .
Bit 11-15
GAREG Hex 13 : Bottom Clipping Position Register
This is a read/write register.
Default value after hardware reset is Hex 00,00.
Default port address 4FC4.
PCI port address low 4C.
Bottom Clipping position bit 0-10 of bit 0 to 10
Bit 0-10
These bits are conjunction with GAREG 11,12,14 to define a rectangular area . Any pixel inside and
on the boundary of the rectangular area can be updated during a Graphics Command operation .
Bit 11-15
GAREG Hex 14 : Right Clipping Position Register
This is a read/write register.
Default value after hardware reset is Hex 00,00.
Default port address 53C4.
PCI port address low 50.