I. General Description
The TP6508 is an advanced single-chip flat panel VGA controller . It's used for notebook or
portable computer system with simple operation and powerful features. Also it contains all of the
functions and supports logic required to implement the IBM VGA display standards and enhanced
display modes on LCD, PLASMA,EL panel and TV display at register and BIOS level compatiable.
A simultaneous display technology is implemented in TP6508 to be used for CRT/Flat panel, LCD/
TV display.
For minimum chip-count or board-space, it is designed to complete a video subsystem with only
one 256kx16 DRAM(512K Bytes). This video subsystem can support all panel type without any glue
logic or external frame buffer.
Like general VGA graphics chips, the TP6508 includes CRT Controller (CRTC), Attribute Con-
troller (ATRC), Graphic Controller (GFXC), Address Multiplexer (AMUX) , Sequential
Controller (SEQC) and adds a Graphics Engine Controller (GEC) to provide VGA display functions
and to speed up the system operation. With the deeper CRT FIFO , and the multiple level CPU
command FIFO (Write Buffer) / Read Cache , the TP6508 supports higher system performance even
in minimum memory configurations.
In order to complete a video subsystem by two chips, VGA controller and DRAM, the TP6508
uses 208pin QFP to integrate Clock Generator(Dual frequency synthesizers), True-color RAMDAC,
Display controller, Flat panel controller, Video-in interface, Graphics Engine Controller and Power
management controller to minimizes the form factor requirement for VGA subsystem.
In addition to an ISA bus connection, it can be connected directly to PCI standard local bus
interface to provide additional graphics performance without any glue logic.
TP6508 can support flat panel display, resolution up to 1024x768 mono, 800x600 hi-color,
640x480 true-color. Unlike on CRT, the pixels on a flat panel display are real,discrete entities of a
fixed size. This results in problems when different display modes are mapped onto one panel. The
TP6508 provides approach to keep the vertical resolution of the display mode constant but center the
active display area vertically on the panel.
The flat panel interface supports Monochrome/Color STN LCD panel, Color TFT LCD panel,
PLASMA panel and, EL panel. Providing direct panel interface to (DD) Dual-panel,Dual-drive for
color and monochrome and (SS) Single-panel,Single-drive (supports 8,9,12,15,16,18,24-bit data). For
Single-panel/Single-drive panel which refresh data rate is not high, the TP6508 can set some of the
video memory as the frame buffer for panel display to decrease video memory chip counts to one (a