8-BIT TIMER (Cont’d) Input Capture
In this section, the index, i, may be 1 or 2 because
there are two input capture functions in the 8-bit
The two 8-bit input capture registers (IC1R and
IC2R) are used to latch the value of the free run-
ning counter after a transition is detected on the
ICiR register is a read-only register.
The active transition is software programmable
through the IEDGi bit of Control Registers (CRi).
Timing resolution is one count of the free running
To use the input capture function select the follow-
ing in the CR2 register:
– Select the timer clock (CC[1:0]) (see
Table 19– Select the edge of the active transition on the
ICAP2 pin with the IEDG2 bit (the ICAP2 pin
must be configured as floating input or input with
pull-up without interrupt if this configuration is
And select the following in the CR1 register:
– Set the ICIE bit to generate an interrupt after an
input capture coming from either the ICAP1 pin
or the ICAP2 pin
– Select the edge of the active transition on the
ICAP1 pin with the IEDG1 bit (the ICAP1 pin
must be configured as floating input or input with
pull-up without interrupt if this configuration is
When an input capture occurs:
– ICFi bit is set.
– The ICiR register contains the value of the free
running counter on the active transition on the
– A timer interrupt is generated if the ICIE bit is set
and the interrrupt mask is cleared in the CC reg-
ister. Otherwise, the interrupt remains pending
until both conditions become true.
Clearing the Input Capture interrupt request (that
is, clearing the ICFi bit) is done in two steps:
1. Reading the SR register while the ICFi bit is set.
2. An access (read or write) to the ICiR register.
1. The ICiR register contains the free running
counter value which corresponds to the most re-
cent input capture.
2. The two input capture functions can be used to-
gether even if the timer also uses the two output
compare functions.
3. Once the ICIE bit is set both input capture fea-
tures may trigger interrupt requests. If only one is
needed in the application, the interrupt routine
software needs to discard the unwanted capture
interrupt. This can be done by checking the ICF1
and ICF2 flags and resetting them both.
4. In One pulse Mode and PWM mode only Input
Capture 2 can be used.
5. The alternate inputs (ICAP1 and ICAP2) are al-
ways directly connected to the timer. So any tran-
sitions on these pins activates the input capture
Moreover if one of the ICAPi pins is configured as
an input and the second one as an output, an inter-
rupt can be generated if the user toggles the output
pin and if the ICIE bit is set.
6. The TOF bit can be used with interrupt genera-
tion in order to measure events that go beyond the
timer range (FFh).