Module System: 7128MOD2
Philips Semiconductors
Application Note
AN 97085
Input Port Control 1
(0, 1): setting these bits high for straight binary data, inverts the MSB inter-
nally for correct processing; setting these bits low passes the data as it is.
(2): when this bit is set low, a CVBS signal is directed to the DAC normally
used for this signal; if it is set low, a composite sync only is directed to this
DAC as alternative.
(3): when this bit is set high, the color dematrix is by-passed, and video
input is only up-sampled to 27 MHz data rate for output instead of RGB.
(4): when this bit is set high, in slave mode the encoder is triggered by an
embedded frame sync code within the CCIR-656 data input. If the embed-
ded frame sync is not available, this bit must be set low and appropriate
signals have to be provided at RCV1 and RCV2 inputs.
(6): SAA7138/39 only: this bit set low enables the fader function; if it is set
high, two input signals can be hard-keyed via the pin SOURCE.
(7): setting this bit high decouples the video input and inserts a test signal
defined by eight color-programmable bars, e.g. a 100/75 color bar.
Two 24 bit (True Color) color ranges KEY1 and KEY2 are defined, which
together with the weighting factors Fade1 and Fade2 determine the YUV
color range of the first input signal to be blended with the second input
FADE1, FADE2 and FADE3 are 6 bit multiplicators, defining the trans-
parancy of the two input signals. While FADE1 and FADE3 operate in the
YUV color space defined through the borders of the Key Color parameters,
FADE3 blends the color stored in the internal LUT against one of the input
If CFADEV is set high, the first input signal (MP1) at port MP is mixed enti-
rely with the color stored in the internal LUT, using FADE3 as multiplicator,
regardless of the defined Keying range.
If CFADEV is set high, the second input signal (MP2) at port MP is mixed
entirely with the color stored in the internal LUT, using FADE3 as multipli-
cator, regardless of the defined Keying range.
True color value of the internal Lookup table that is used for blending if a
color within color range KEY2 is detected in the first input signal.
If EDGE1 set low, data of the first input signal at MP port are sampled at
the rising clock edge, otherwise at the falling clock edge.
If EDGE2 set low, data of the second input signal at MP port are sampled
at the rising clock edge, otherwise at the falling clock edge.
Only SAA7138/39:If VPSEL set low, Fader input VP is fed with data app-
lied to DP port, if VPSEL set high, Fader input VP is fed with data applied
to MP2 input .
If DELIN set low, data at DP port are by-passing the fader; if DELIN set
high, data of MP2 are by-passing the fader.
If RGBIN set low and DELIN set low, data to the RGB processor come
from the DP port; if RGBIN set low and DELIN set high, data to the RGB
processor are MP2 data;
If RGBIN set high, the output of the fader is fed data to the RGB processor.
Key Colour
42H - 4DH
4EH - 50H
Look up table for Key
51H - 53H
Input Port Control 2