S/UNI-JET Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990267, Issue 3
Pin Name
The Receive Digital Negative Pulse (RNEG) contains the
negative pulses received on the B3ZS encoded DS3, the
HDB3-encoded E3, or the B8ZS-encoded J2
transmission system when the dual-rail NRZ input format
is selected.
The Receive LCV (RLCV) contains LCV indications when
the single-rail (unipolar) NRZ input format is enabled for
DS3, E3, or J2 applications. Each LCV is represented by
an RCLK period-wide pulse.
When a DS1 or E1 PLCP or ATM direct-mapped signal is
received, Receive Overhead Mask (ROHM) is pulsed
once per transmission frame, and indicates the DS1 or
E1 frame alignment relative to the RDATI data stream.
When an alternate frame-based signal is received,
ROHM indicates the position of each overhead bit in the
transmission frame.
The RNEG/RLCV/ROHM pin function selection is
controlled by the RFRM[1:0] bits in the S/UNI-JET
Receive Configuration Register, the UNI bits in the DS3
FRMR, E3 FRMR, or J2 FRMR Configuration Register,
and the PLCPEN and EXT bits in the SPLR
Configuration Register.
RNEG, RLCV, and ROHM are sampled on the rising
edge of RCLK by default, and may be enabled to be
sampled on the falling edge of RCLK. This sampling is
controlled by the RCLKINV bit in the S/UNI-JET Receive
Configuration Register.
Note: Signal polarity control is provided by the RNEGINV
bit in the S/UNI-JET Receive Configuration Register.
The Receive Clock (RCLK) provides the receive direction
timing. RCLK is the externally recovered transmission
system baud rate clock that samples the RPOS/RDATI
and RNEG/RLCV/ROHM inputs on its rising or falling
The Transmit DS3/E3/J2 Overhead Insertion (TOHINS)
controls the insertion of the DS3, E3, or J2 overhead bits
from the TOH input.
When TOHINS is high, the associated overhead bit in the
TOH stream is inserted in the transmitted DS3, E3, or J2
frame. When TOHINS is low, the DS3, E3, or J2
overhead bit is generated and inserted internally.
TOHINS is sampled on the rising edge of TOHCLK. If
TOHINS is a logic one, the TOH input has precedence
over the internal datalink transmitter, or any internal
register bit setting.