DS70025D-page 12
Advance Information
2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPLAB SIM Software Simulator
The MPLAB SIM software simulator allows code devel-
opment in a PC-hosted environment by simulating the
dsPIC on an instruction level. On any given instruction,
the data areas can be examined or modified and stimuli
can be applied from a file, or user-defined key press, to
any of the pins.
The execution can be performed in single step, execute
until break, or trace mode.
The MPLAB SIM simulator fully supports symbolic
debugging using the MPLAB C30 compiler and assem-
bler. The software simulator offers the flexibility to
develop and debug code outside of the laboratory envi-
ronment, making it an excellent multi-project software
development tool.
MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit
The MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit Emulator is intended
to provide the product development engineer with a
complete hardware design tool for the dsPIC. Software
control of the emulator is provided by MPLAB, allowing
editing, building, downloading and source debugging
from a single environment.
The MPLAB ICE 4000 is a full-featured emulator sys-
tem with enhanced trace, trigger and data monitoring
features. Interchangeable processor modules allow the
system to be easily reconfigured for emulation of differ-
ent processors.
The MPLAB ICE 4000 supports the extended, high end
PICmicro microcontrollers, the 18CXXX and 18FXXX
devices, as well as the dsPIC family of digital signal
controllers. The modular architecture of the MPLAB
ICE in-circuit emulator allows expansion to support
new devices.
The MPLAB ICE in-circuit emulator system has been
designed as a real-time emulation system, with
advanced features that are generally found on more
expensive development tools.
Full-speed emulation, up to 50MHz bus speed, or
200MHz external clock speed
Low-voltage emulation down to 1.8 volts
Configured with 2Mb program emulation memory,
additional modular memory up to 16Mb
32K x 136-bit wide Trace Memory
Unlimited software breakpoints
Complex break, trace and trigger logic
Multi-level trigger up to 4 levels
Filter trigger functions to trace specific event
16-bit Pass counter for triggering on sequential
16-bit Delay counter
48-bit time stamp
Stopwatch feature
Time between events
Statistical performance analysis
Code coverage analysis
USB and parallel printer port PC connection
MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger
s In-Circuit Debugger, MPLAB ICD, is a pow-
erful, low cost, run-time development tool. This tool is
based on the PICmicro and dsPIC FLASH devices
The MPLAB ICD utilizes the in-circuit debugging capa-
bility built into the various devices. This feature, along
with Microchip
s In-Circuit Serial Programming
col, offers cost-effective in-circuit debugging from the
graphical user interface of MPLAB. This enables a
designer to develop and debug source code by watch-
ing variables, single-stepping and setting break points.
Running at full speed enables testing hardware in real-
Full speed operation to the range of the device
Serial or USB PC connector
Serial interface externally powered
USB powered from PC interface
Low-noise power (VPP and VDD) for use with
analog and other noise sensitive applications
Operation down to 2.0v
Can be used as an ICD or in-expensive serial pro-
Modular application connector as MPLAB-ICD
Limited number of breakpoints
Smart watch
variable windows
Some chip resources required (RAM, program
memory and 2 pins)