Philips Semiconductors
8-bit microcontrollers with 80C51 core
Product data
Rev. 03 — 02 December 2004
42 of 77
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Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
In the above example the differentiation among the 3 slaves is in the lower 3 address
bits. Slave 0 requires that bit 0 = 0 and it can be uniquely addressed by 1110 0110.
Slave 1 requires that bit 1 = 0 and it can be uniquely addressed by 1110 0101. Slave
2 requires that bit 2 = 0 and its unique address is 1110 0011. To select Slaves 0 and
1 and exclude Slave 2 use address 1110 0100, since it is necessary to make bit 2 = 1
to exclude slave 2. The Broadcast Address for each slave is created by taking the
logical OR of SADDR and SADEN. Zeros in this result are treated as don’t-cares. In
most cases, interpreting the don’t-cares as ones, the broadcast address will be FF
hexadecimal. Upon reset SADDR and SADEN are loaded with 0s. This produces a
given address of all ‘don’t cares’ as well as a Broadcast address of all ‘don’t cares'.
This effectively disables the Automatic Addressing mode and allows the
microcontroller to use standard UART drivers which do not make use of this feature.
7.6 Serial peripheral interface
SPI features
Master or slave operation
10 MHz bit frequency (max)
LSB first or MSB first data transfer
Four programmable bit rates
End of transmission (SPIF)
Write collision flag protection (WCOL)
Wake-up from idle mode (slave mode only)
SPI description
The serial peripheral interface (SPI) allows high-speed synchronous data transfer
between the P89V51RB2/RC2/RD2 and peripheral devices or between several
P89V51RB2/RC2/RD2 devices.
Figure 17
shows the correspondence between
master and slave SPI devices. The SCK pin is the clock output and input for the
master and slave modes, respectively. The SPI clock generator will start following a
write to the master devices SPI data register. The written data is then shifted out of
the MOSI pin on the master device into the MOSI pin of the slave device. Following a
complete transmission of one byte of data, the SPI clock generator is stopped and the
SPIF flag is set. An SPI interrupt request will be generated if the SPI Interrupt Enable
bit (SPIE) and the Serial Port Interrupt Enable bit (ES) are both set.
An external master drives the Slave Select input pin, SS/P1[4], low to select the SPI
module as a slave. If SS/P1[4] has not been driven low, then the slave SPI unit is not
active and the MOSI/P1[5] port can also be used as an input port pin.
CPHA and CPOL control the phase and polarity of the SPI clock.
Figure 18
Figure 19
show the four possible combinations of these two bits.
Table 29:
Example 1
Slave 0 SADDR
Slave 0/1/2 examples
Example 2
Slave 1 SADDR
Example 3
Slave 2
= 1100 0000
= 1111 1001
= 1100 0XX0
= 1110 0000
= 1111 1010
= 1110 0X0X
= 1100 0000
= 1111 1100
= 1110 00XX