MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
2.0 Installation
In This Section
Connection Configurations
Installation Sequence
Required Hardware
Preparing the Card for Installation
Connecting to the Card
Applying Power
Software Installation
First Time System Verification
The PMD MC73110 Developer’s Kit is an integrated board/software package that serves as an electrical and
software design tool for MC73110-based systems. The major components of the kit are:
Standalone MC73110-based card with 10 amp 3-phase brushless motor amplifier
Serial cable to communicate with PC
CD-ROM containing C-Motion and Pro-Motion software programs
MC73110 Product Manual
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
The Developer’s Kit is a self-standing card supported by aluminum standoff 4.093" x 6.800" in size. The PCB
board is FR-4 four-layer with 2 oz. copper. The thickness is 62 mil. It accepts a single power connection of 18V to
48V, from which the card itself derives all other needed voltages using an on-board DC to DC converter device.
During initial setup and operation, a serial cable connects the card to a PC, which runs PMD’s Pro-Motion exerciser
program. The serial port can be operated in point-to-point mode, or multi-drop mode. The card can also be
operated standalone, without serial port connection. In this mode the card receives a command from an external
motion controller via analog or digital hardware signals. When operated in standalone mode, MC73110 param-
eters are loaded into the MC73110 at power up via an on-board serial EEPROM which is installed in an 8-pin DIP
socket located on the Developer’s Kit card.
The card drives a 3-phase brushless DC motor at up to 10 amps continuous current, 15 amps peak. A wide range
of motor inductances are supported. An on-card temperature sensor can be used to alert the user of an over-
temperature condition on the amplifier.