Programming Model
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 and 2
Bit 14
FIFO Half (FIFO Status)—This read-only bit indicates that the
transmitter FIFO is less than half full. This bit generates a
maskable interrupt.
0 = Transmitter FIFO is more than
half full
1 = Transmitter FIFO is less than
half full
Bit 13
Transmit FIFO Available (FIFO Status)—This read-only bit
indicates that the transmitter FIFO has at least one slot avail-
able for data. This bit generates a maskable interrupt.
0 = Transmitter does not need data
1 = Transmitter needs data
Bit 12
Send Break (Tx Control)—This bit forces the transmitter to
immediately send continuous zeros, which creates a break
description of how to generate a break.
0 = Normal transmission
1 = Send break (continuous zeros)
Bit 11
Ignore CTS1 (Tx Control)—When this bit is high, it forces the
CTS1 signal that is presented to the transmitter to always be
asserted, which effectively ignores the external pin.
0 = Transmit only while the CTS1
signal is asserted
1 = Ignore the CTS1 signal
Bit 10
Busy (Tx Status)—When this bit is high, it indicates that the
transmitter is busy sending a character. This bit is asserted
while the transmitter state machine is not idle or the FIFO has
data in it.
0 = Transmitter is not sending a
1 = Transmitter is sending a
Bit 9
CTS1 Status (CTS1 Bit)—This bit indicates the current status
of the CTS1 signal. A “snapshot” of the pin is taken immedi-
ately before this bit is presented to the data bus. While the
NOCTS1 bit is high, this bit can serve as a general-purpose
0 = CTS1 signal is low
1 = CTS1 signal is high
Bit 8
CTS1 Delta (CTS1 Bit)—When this bit is high, it indicates that
the CTS1 signal changed state and generates a maskable
interrupt. The current state of the CTS1 signal is available on
the CTS1 STAT bit. An immediate interrupt may be generated
by setting this bit high. The CTS1 interrupt is cleared by writing
0 to this bit.
0 = CTS1 signal did not change
state since it was last cleared
1 = CTS1 signal has changed state
Bits 7–0
Tx Data (Character) (Write-Only)—This write-only field is the
parallel transmit-data input. In 7-bit mode, bit 7 is ignored, and
in 8-bit mode, all of the bits are used. Data is transmitted with
the least significant bit first. A new character is transmitted
when this field is written and has passed through the FIFO.
See description
Table 14-7. UART 1 Transmitter Register Description (Continued)