4.5 Addressing Modes
The CPU16 provides ten types of addressing. Each type encompasses one or more addressing modes.
Six CPU16 addressing types are identical to M68HC11 addressing types.
All modes generate ADDR[15:0]. This address is combined with ADDR[19:16] from an extension field
to form a 20-bit effective address. Extension fields are part of a bank switching scheme that provides
the CPU16 with a one Mbyte address space. Bank switching is transparent to most instructions. AD-
DR[19:16] of the effective address change when an access crosses a bank boundary. However, it is
important to note that the value of the associated extension field is dependent on the type of instruction,
and usually does not change as a result of effective address calculation.
In the immediate modes, the instruction argument is contained in bytes or words immediately following
the instruction. The effective address is the address of the byte following the instruction. The AIS, AIX/
Y/Z, ADDD and ADDE instructions have an extended 8-bit mode where the immediate value is an 8-bit
signed number that is sign-extended to 16 bits, and then added to the appropriate register. Use of the
extended 8-bit mode decreases execution time.
Extended mode instructions contain ADDR[15:0] in the word following the opcode. The effective ad-
dress is formed by concatenating EK and the 16-bit extension.
In the indexed modes, registers IX, IY, and IZ, together with their associated extension fields, are used
to calculate the effective address. Signed 16-bit mode and signed 20-bit mode are extensions to the
M68HC11 indexed addressing mode.
For 8-bit indexed mode, an 8-bit unsigned offset contained in the instruction is added to the value con-
tained in the index register and its associated extension field.
For 16-bit mode, a 16-bit signed offset contained in the instruction is added to the value contained in
the index register and its associated extension field.
For 20-bit mode, a 20-bit signed offset is added to the value contained in the index register. This mode
is used for JMP and JSR instructions.
Inherent mode instructions use information available to the processor to determine the effective ad-
dress. Operands (if any) are system resources and are thus not fetched from memory.
Accumulator offset mode adds the contents of 16-bit accumulator E to one of the index registers and its
associated extension field to form the effective address. This mode allows use of index registers and
an accumulator within loops without corrupting accumulator D.
Relative modes are used for branch and long branch instructions. A byte or word signed two's comple-
ment offset is added to the program counter if the branch condition is satisfied. The new PC value, con-
catenated with the PK field, is the effective address.
Post-modified index mode is used with the MOVB and MOVW instructions. A signed 8-bit offset is add-
ed to index register X after the effective address formed by XK and IX is used.
In M68HC11 systems, direct mode can be used to perform rapid accesses to RAM or I/O mapped into
page 0 ($0000 to $00FF), but the CPU16 uses the first 512 bytes of page 0 for exception vectors. To
compensate for the loss of direct mode, the ZK field and index register Z have been assigned reset ini-
tialization vectors. By resetting the ZK field to a chosen page, and using 8-bit unsigned index mode with
IZ, a programmer can access useful data structures anywhere in the address map.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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