DBS S ystem Applic ation
A direct-broadcast satellite (DBS) receiver consists of
an antenna to receive the X/Ku band carrier from the
satellite, a low-noise block (LNB), an L-band downcon-
verter, and a quadrature demodulator. The system
stages include a dual ADC, a matched filter, clock and
carrier recovery, error detection and correction, and
additional system-dependent DSP. See the Typical
Application Circuiton the first page of the data sheet.
The LNB provides polar demodulation (vertical and hor-
izontal) and downconversion of the X/Ku band signals
to a first intermediate frequency (IF
) in the 950MHz to
2000MHz range. The L-band downconverter converts
to a second IF (IF
) in the 400MHz to 700MHz
range. The MAX2101 performs the next stages as fol-
lows: 1) the quadrature demodulator converts IF
two baseband signals, I and Q; and 2) the dual ADCs
digitize the baseband signals, which are then
processed by the various digital blocks to compensate
for transmission distortion and to extract the digital
baseband data.
One interface that causes system designers trouble is
the quadrature demodulator to ADC interface. Power is
needed to drive the low-impedance interconnect
between these two functions. Additionally, this portion
of the signal path can introduce phase and amplitude
errors that complicate back-end error correction. The
integrated MAX2101 solves all of these design prob-
lems associated with DBS systems.
The MAX2101 combines bipolar technology with excel-
lent RF and data-converter design to integrate the
quadrature demodulation and ADC functions. The
MAX2101 also includes an IF gain block, a VCO and
prescaler necessary to generate an accurate LO fre-
quency, and fully integrated baseband anti-aliasing fil-
ters for both I and Q channels. By integrating several
functions supporting the quadrature demodulation and
A/D block, the MAX2101 replaces several components
and eliminates many board-level design and manufac-
turing problems.
Layout, Grounding, Bypassing
The MAX2101’s supply pins are separated to isolate
high-current digital noise spikes from sensitive RF and
analog sections. All ground potentials must be DC cou-
pled, and resistive drops should contribute no more
than 50mV difference between the ground pins. A sin-
gle-point analog ground (“star” ground point) should be
established at the ground supply connection to the PC
board, separate from the active circuitry. Three ground
planes should be established, connected at the star
ground point. The three ground planes should be dedi-
cated as follows: analog and RF ground plane, digital
ground plane, and output ground plane. The various
ground pins should be connected to this star ground
network according to Table 2. The ground current
return path for all supplies should be low impedance at
frequencies of interest for each supply.
For best performance, use printed circuit boards. Wire-
wrap boards are not recommended. Board layout
should ensure that digital and analog signal lines are
separated from each other. Do not run analog and digi-
tal (especially clock) lines parallel to one another, or
digital lines underneath the MAX2101 package.
The MAX2101 requires +5V ±5% for all supply pins.
Bypass the supply pins with high-quality 0.1μF and
0.001μF ceramic capacitors located as close to the
package as possible. The high-frequency supplies,
VCCIF and VCC2, both require an additional ceramic
surface-mount bypass capacitor nominally valued at
47pF. The baseband supplies (VCCI and VCCQ) need
additional filtering to ensure sufficient channel-to-chan-
nel isolation. Place a small-value resistor, such as 5
between the supply and the pins to create a single-pole
filter with the bypass capacitor. The DC IR drop across
the resistor should not exceed 150mV. Alternatively,
place an RF choke between the supply and the pins.
The SRF of the selected choke must be high enough to
block energy from the other baseband channel.
6-Bit Quadrature Digitizer
Table 2. Ground Plane Assignments
Ground Pin
Pin Number
Ground Plane
20, 21
34, 47
26, 30, 37, 43, 51, 55