7643 Group
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Oscillator Wiring (Noise Elimination)
(1) Keeping oscillator away from large current signal lines
Install a microcomputer (and especially an oscillator) as far as
possible from signal lines, including USB signal lines, where a cur-
rent larger than the tolerance of current value flows. When a large
current flows through those signal lines, strong noise occurs be-
cause of mutual inductance.
(2) Installing oscillator away from signal lines where potential
levels change frequently
Install an oscillator and a connecting pattern of an oscillator away
from signal lines where potential levels change frequently. Also, do
not cross such signal lines over the clock lines or the signal lines
which are sensitive to noise.
Terminate Unused Pins
(1) Output ports : Open
(2) Input ports :
Connect each pin to Vcc or Vss through each resistor of 1 k
10 k
Ports that permit the selecting of a built-in pull-up or pull-down re-
sistor can also use this resistor. As for pins whose potential affects
to operation modes such as pins CNVss, INT or others, select the
Vcc pin or the Vss pin according to their operation mode.
(3) I/O ports :
Set the I/O ports for the input mode and connect them to Vcc or
Vss through each resistor of 1 k
to 10 k.
Ports that permit the selecting of a built-in pull-up or pull-down re-
sistor can also use this resistor. Set the I/O ports for the output
mode and open them at “L” or “H”.
When opening them in the output mode, the input mode of the
initial status remains until the mode of the ports is switched over
to the output mode by the program after reset. Thus, the potential
at these pins is undefined and the power source current may in-
crease in the input mode. With regard to an effects on the
system, thoroughly perform system evaluation on the user side.
Since the direction register setup may be changed because of a
program runaway or noise, set direction registers by program pe-
riodically to increase the reliability of program.
At the termination of unused pins, perform wiring at the shortest
possible distance (20 mm or less) from microcomputer pins.
Electric Characteristic Differences Between
Mask ROM and Flash Memory Version MCUs
There are differences in electric characteristics, operation margin,
noise immunity, and noise radiation between Mask ROM and
Flash Memory version MCUs due to the difference in the manufac-
turing processes.
When manufacturing an application system with the Flash
Memory version and then switching to use of the Mask ROM ver-
sion, please perform sufficient evaluations for the commercial
samples of the Mask ROM version.
The following are necessary when ordering a mask ROM produc-
1. Mask ROM Order Confirmation Form
2. Mark Specification Form
3. Data to be written to ROM, in EPROM form (three identical cop-
ies) or one floppy disk.
For the mask ROM confirmation and the mark specifications, refer
to the “Mitsubishi MCU Technical Information” Homepage:
Clock Input/Output Pin Wiring (Noise
(1) Make the wiring for the input/output pins as short as possible.
(2) Make the wiring across the grounding lead of the capacitor
which is connected to an oscillator and the Vss pin of the MCU
as short as possible (within 20 mm)
(3) Make sure to isolate the oscillation Vss pattern from other pat-
terns for oscillation circuit-use only.