UARTi Special Mode Register
Preliminary Specifications REV.B
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C/80 (144-pin version) group
UART2 Special Mode Register 2 (Address 0336
Bit 0 is the IIC mode select bit. Table 1.20.2 gives control changes by bit when the IIC mode select bit
is “1”. Start and stop condition detection timing characteristics are shown in Figure 1.20.4. Always set
bit 7 (start/stop condition control bit) to “1”.
Bit 1 is the clock synchronization bit. When this bit is set to “1”, if the rise edge is detected at pin SCL2
while the internal SCL is H level, the internal SCL is changed to L level, the baud rate generator value
is reloaded and the L sector count starts. Also, while the SCL2 pin is L level, if the internal SCL
changes from L level to H, baud rate generator stops counting. If the SCL2 pin is H level, counting
restarts. Because of this function, the UART2 transmission-reception clock takes the AND condition
for the internal SCL and SCL2 pin signals. This function operates from the clock half period before the
1st rise of the UART2 clock to the 9th rise. To use this function, select the internal clock as the transfer
Bit 2 is the SCL wait output bit. When this bit is set to “1”, output from the SCL2 pin is fixed to L level
at the clock’s 9th rise. When set to “0”, the L output lock is released.
Bit 3 is the SDA output stop bit. When this bit is set to “1”, an arbitration lost is generated. If the
arbitration lost detection flag is “1”, the SDA2 pin simultaneously becomes high impedance.
Bit 4 is the UART2 initialize bit. While this bit is set to “1”, the following operations are performed when
the start condition is detected.
1. The transmission shift register is initialized and the content of the transmission register is trans-
mitted to the transmission shift register. As such, transmission starts with the 1st bit of the next
input clock. However, the UART2 output value remains the same as when the start condition
was detected, without changing from when the clock is input to when the 1st bit of data is output.
2. The reception shift register is initialized and reception starts with the 1st bit of the next input
3. The SCL wait output bit is set to “1”. As such, the SCL2 pin becomes L level at the rise of the 9th
bit of the clock.
When UART transmission-reception has been started using this function, the content of the transmis-
sion buffer available flag does not change. Also, to use this function, select an external clock as the
transfer clock.
Bit 5 is SCL wait output bit 2. When this bit is set to “1” and serial I/O has been selected, an L level can
be forcefully output from the SCL2 pin even during UART operation. When this bit is set to “0', the L
output from the SCL2 pin is canceled and the UART2 clock is input and output.
Bit 6 is the SDA output disable bit. When this bit is set to “1”, the SDA2 pin is forcefully made high
impedance. To overwrite this bit, do so at the rise of the UART2 transfer clock. The arbitration lost
detection flag may be set.