The software can disable or enable the 4/8/12 MHz Fast RC Oscillator with the MOSCRCEN bit in the Clock Generator
Main Oscillator Register (CKGR_MOR).
The user can also select the output frequency of the Fast RC Oscillator, either 4/8/12MHz are available. It can be done
through MOSCRCF bits in CKGR_MOR. When changing this frequency selection, the MOSCRCS bit in the Power
Management Controller Status Register (PMC_SR) is automatically cleared and MAINCK is stopped until the oscillator is
stabilized. Once the oscillator is stabilized, MAINCK restarts and MOSCRCS is set.
When disabling the Main Clock by clearing the MOSCRCEN bit in CKGR_MOR, the MOSCRCS bit in PMC_SR is
automatically cleared, indicating the Main Clock is off.
Setting the MOSCRCS bit in the Power Management Controller Interrupt Enable Register (PMC_IER) can trigger an
interrupt to the processor.
When main clock (MAINCK) is not used to drive the processor and frequency monitor (SLCK or PLLACK is used
instead), it is recommended to disable the main oscillators.
The CAL4, CAL8 and CAL12 values in the PMC Oscillator Calibration Register (PMC_OCR) are the default values set by
Atmel during production. These values are stored in a specific Flash memory area different from the main memory plane.
These values cannot be modified by the user and cannot be erased by a Flash erase command or by the ERASE pin.
Values written by the user's application in PMC_OCR are reset after each power up or peripheral reset.
29.5.2 Fast RC Oscillator Clock Frequency Adjustment
It is possible for the user to adjust the main RC oscillator frequency through PMC_OCR. By default, SEL 4/8/12 are low,
so the RC oscillator will be driven with Flash calibration bits which are programmed during chip production.
The user can adjust the trimming of the 4/8/12 MHz Fast RC Oscillator through this register in order to obtain more
accurate frequency (to compensate derating factors such as temperature and voltage).
In order to calibrate the oscillator lower frequency, SEL4 must be set to 1 and a good frequency value must be configured
in CAL4. Likewise, SEL8/12 must be set to 1 and a trim value must be configured in CAL8/12 in order to adjust the other
frequencies of the oscillator.
It is possible to adjust the oscillator frequency while operating from this clock. For example, when running on lowest
frequency it is possible to change the CAL4 value if SEL4 is set in PMC_OCR.
It is possible to restart, at anytime, a measurement of the main frequency by means of the RCMEAS bit in Main Clock
Frequency Register (CKGR_MCFR). Thus, when MAINFRDY flag reads 1, another read access on CKGR_MCFR
provides an image of the frequency of the main clock on MAINF field. The software can calculate the error with an
expected frequency and correct the CAL4 (or CAL8/CAL12) field accordingly. This may be used to compensate
frequency drift due to derating factors such as temperature and/or voltage.
29.5.3 3 to 20 MHz Crystal or Ceramic Resonator-based Oscillator
After reset, the 3 to 20 MHz Crystal or Ceramic Resonator-based oscillator is disabled and it is not selected as the source
The user can select the 3 to 20 MHz Crystal or Ceramic Resonator-based oscillator to be the source of MAINCK, as it
provides a more accurate frequency. The software enables or disables the main oscillator in order to reduce power
consumption by clearing the MOSCXTEN bit in CKGR_MOR.
When disabling the main oscillator by clearing the MOSCXTEN bit in CKGR_MOR, the MOSCXTS bit in PMC_SR is
automatically cleared, indicating the Main Clock is off.
When enabling the main oscillator, the user must initiate the main oscillator counter with a value corresponding to the
start-up time of the oscillator. This start-up time depends on the crystal frequency connected to the oscillator.
When the MOSCXTEN bit and the MOSCXTST are written in CKGR_MOR to enable the main oscillator, the XIN and
XOUT pins are automatically switched into oscillator mode and MOSCXTS bit in PMC_SR is cleared and the counter
starts counting down on the slow clock divided by 8 from the MOSCXTST value. Since the MOSCXTST value is coded
with 8 bits, the maximum start-up time is about 62 ms.