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(BSET, BCLR, BCHG) will not give up bus mastership until the end of the current instruc-
tion. ——B–G is ignored during hardware reset.
(Bus Acknowledge) - Open drain, active low output. When deasserting —B–A, the
DSP96002 drives —B–A high during half a CLK cycle and then disables the active pull-
up. In this way, only a weak external pull-up resistor is required to hold the line high. —
B–A may be directly connected to —B–B
in order to obtain the same functionality as the
MC68040 —B–B pin. When —B–G is asserted, the DSP96002 becomes the pending
bus master. It waits until —B–B is negated by the previous bus master, indicating that
the previous bus master is off the bus. The pending bus master asserts —B–A to be-
come the current bus master. —B–A is asserted when the CPU or DMA has taken the
bus and is the bus master. While —B–A is asserted, the DSP96002 is the owner of the
bus (the bus master). When —B–A is negated, the DSP96002 is a bus slave. —B–A
may be used as a three-state enable control for external address, data and bus control
signal buffers. —B–A is three-stated during hardware reset.
Note that a current bus master may keep —B–A asserted after ceasing bus activity, re-
gardless of whether —B–R is asserted or deasserted. This is called "bus parking" and
allows the current bus master to use the bus repeatedly without re-arbitration until some
other device wants the bus.
The current bus master keeps —B–A asserted during indivisible read-modify-write bus
cycles, regardless of whether —B–G has been deasserted by the external bus arbitra-
tion unit. This form of "bus locking" allows the current bus master to perform atomic op-
erations on shared variables in multitasking and multiprocessor systems. Current in-
structions which perform indivisible read-modify-write bus cycles are BCLR, BCHG and
(Bus Busy) - active low input, must be asserted and deasserted synchronous to the input
clock (CLK) for proper operation. —B–B is deasserted when there is no bus master on
the external bus. In multiple DSP96002 systems, all —B–B inputs are tied together and
are driven by the logical AND of all —B–A outputs. —B–B is asserted by a pending bus
master (directly or indirectly by —B–A assertion) to indicate that it is now the current bus
master. —B–B is deasserted by the current bus master (directly or indirectly by —B–A
negation) to indicate that it is off the bus and is no longer the bus master. The pending
bus master monitors the —B–B signal until it is deasserted. Then the pending bus mas-
ter asserts —B–A to become the current bus master, which asserts —B–B directly or
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.