M58CR032C, M58CR032D
Read operations in the bank being programmed
output the Status Register content after the pro-
gramming has started.
During Double Word Program operations the bank
being programmed will only accept the Read Sta-
tus Register command and the Program/Erase
Suspend command. Typical Program times are
given in Table 12, Program, Erase Times and Pro-
gram/Erase Endurance Cycles.
Programming aborts if Reset goes to V
. As data
integrity cannot be guaranteed when the program
operation is aborted, the block containing the
memory location must be erased and repro-
See Appendix B, Figure 19, Double Word Program
Flowchart and Pseudo Code, for the flowchart for
using the Double Word Program command.
Quadruple Word Program Command
This feature is offered to improve the programming
throughput, writing a page of four adjacent words
in parallel. The four words must differ only for the
addresses A0 and A1. The first write cycle must be
addressed to the bank to be programmed.
Only one bank can be programmed at any one
time. The other bank must be in Read mode or
Erase Suspend.
Programming should not be attempted when V
is not at V
. The command can be executed if
is below V
but the result is not guaranteed.
Five bus write cycles are necessary to issue the
Quadruple Word Program command.
The first bus cycle sets up the Double Word
Program Command.
The second bus cycle latches the Address and
the Data of the first word to be written.
The third bus cycle latches the Address and the
Data of the second word to be written.
The fourth bus cycle latches the Address and
the Data of the third word to be written.
The fifth bus cycle latches the Address and the
Data of the fourth word to be written and starts
the Program/Erase Controller.
Read operations to the bank being programmed
output the Status Register content after the pro-
gramming has started.
Programming aborts if Reset goes to V
. As data
integrity cannot be guaranteed when the program
operation is aborted, the block containing the
memory location must be erased and repro-
During Quadruple Word Program operations the
bank being programmed will only accept the Read
Status Register command and the Program/Erase
Suspend command. Typical Program times are
given in Table 12, Program, Erase Times and Pro-
gram/Erase Endurance Cycles.
See Appendix B, Figure 20, Quadruple Word Pro-
gram Flowchart and Pseudo Code, for the flow-
chart for using the Quadruple Word Program
Program/Erase Suspend Command
The Program/Erase Suspend command is used to
pause a Program or Erase operation. One bus
write cycle is required to issue the Program/Erase
command and pause the Program/Erase control-
ler. The command must be addressed to the bank
containing the program or erase operation.
During Program/Erase Suspend the Command In-
terface will accept the Program/Erase Resume,
Read, Read Status Register, Read Electronic Sig-
nature and Read CFI Query commands. Addition-
ally, if the suspend operation was Erase then the
Program, Block Lock, Block Lock-Down or Protec-
tion Program commands will also be accepted.
The block being erased may be protected by issu-
ing the Block Lock, Block Lock-Down or Protection
Program commands. Only the blocks not being
erased may be read or programmed correctly.
When the Program/Erase Resume command is is-
sued the operation will complete.
During a Program/Erase Suspend, the device can
be placed in a pseudo-standby mode by taking
Chip Enable to V
. Program/Erase is aborted if
Reset turns to V
See Appendix B, Figure 21, Program Suspend &
Resume Flowchart and Pseudo Code, and Figure
23, Erase Suspend & Resume Flowchart and
Pseudo Code for flowcharts for using the Program/
Erase Suspend command.
Program/Erase Resume Command
The Program/Erase Resume command can be
used to restart the Program/Erase Controller after
a Program/Erase Suspend command has paused
it. One Bus Write cycle is required to issue the
command. The command must be addressed to
the bank containing the program or erase opera-
tion. Once the command is issued subsequent
Bus Read operations read the Status Register.
If a Program command is issued during a Block
Erase Suspend, then the erase cannot be re-
sumed until the programming operation has com-
pleted. It is possible to accumulate suspend
operations. For example: suspend an erase oper-
ation, start a programming operation, suspend the
programming operation then read the array. See
Appendix B, Figure 21, Program Suspend & Re-
sume Flowchart and Pseudo Code, and Figure 23,
Erase Suspend & Resume Flowchart and Pseudo
Code for flowcharts for using the Program/Erase
Resume command.