Winceiver WE904/WE905
0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver
Page 34
Rev Date: 2003 May 27
In Normal Mode, the AFO output can be configured to either analog or digital mode. In the Analog
Mode, this output pin provides the recovered, demodulated audio signal. In the Digital Mode, the
demodulated signal goes through an internal data slicer before being output as CMOS compatible
logic data.
Other than Normal Mode, the device offers test modes (in both WE904 and WE905) and 2 other
special operating modes in WE905. In Test Mode, The AFO output pin can be configured to provide
signal at various stages in the receiver path for trouble-shooting purpose.
The special operating modes available on WE905 are Tx Charge Pump Disable Mode and Reference
Oscillator On Mode
Other Modes for WE904
Mode Bits
Other Mode for WE904
5 4 3 2 1
X X 1 0 0
I Baseband Filter Test
I baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue)
Only for Analogue output select
The I Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that
center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal
The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power.
X X 1 0 1
Q Baseband Filter Test
Q baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue)
Only for Analogue output select
The Q Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that
center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal
The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power.
X X 1 1 0
nd Mixer Test
nd mixer output route to AUDO (analogue)
Only for Analogue output select
The 2nd mixer output is a sinusoidal waveform at frequency
Fif (= Frf / PDR / 544) +/- FM Dev.
The amplitude is about 280mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power.
X X 1 1 1
IF Filter Test: (analogue)
Input to IF filter via AFCC, filter output route to AUDO. Only for Analogue output
select. AFC disabled.
Input a 1.3Vdc + 500mVpp sinusoidal signal to IF filter via AFCC pin 47. All
components connected to pin 47 are removed to prevent loading. Response of
IF low pass filter can be observed at AFO.
Example: IFSET resistor = 22kohm, upper 3dB corner frequency should be at
about 206kHz.