Winceiver WE904/WE905
0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver
Page 20
Rev Date: 2003 May 27
In 915MHz ISM band, when PLL voltage is about 1.8V,
For RVCO, Kvco = 40MHz/V;
For TVCO, Kvco = 23MHz/V.
Please note that at different PLL voltage or different operating frequency, the VCO gain may be
different. In such situations, the VCO gains can be determined by measurement (VCO frequency
change/PLL voltage change for 1 reference frequency step change).
Charge Pump Current
The available charge pump current settings are 0.2mA and 1.0mA for both Tx and Rx. The charge
pump current is selected by programming the Mode register bits 6 (Rx) and 7 (Tx).
With proper consideration on damping factor, higher charge pump current reduces PLL lock time.
Reference Frequency
In general, larger reference frequency reduces PLL lock time. It is set by Reference Frequency
Rx Baseband DC Offset Loop Response Time
Settling time is 2ms for an effective receiver baseband HPF of 100Hz. The HPF can be adjusted with
changing the external capacitors on DCI/DCQ. Settling time will be approximately inversely
proportional to the DCI/DCQ capacitors. When making such changes, consideration must be given to
the required high pass filtering for the lowest possible frequency of the FM signal.
Auto Gain Control Response Time
Similar considerations apply as in RSSI Settling. Current recommendation is to set up the receiver to
allow a gain change every 14ms for a receive bandwidth of 130kHz and every 56ms for a bandwidth
of 16kHz. Note this only changes the gain by 1 step. For WE904, the gain is automatically set to
maximum following the serial interface signal LE low so it could take 8x as long (110ms or 450ms) to
get to minimum gain. For WE905, although this gain reset can be disable, time taken for gain to
change from maximum to minimum is the same as WE904.
More information is available in section on Rx Gain Control.