The MCU Module has three 8-bit I/O ports: Port 1,
Port 3, and Port 4. The PSD Module has four other
I/O ports: Port A, B, C, and D. This section de-
scribes only the I/O ports on the MCU Module.
I/O ports will function as bi-directional General
Purpose I/O (GPIO), but the port pins can have al-
ternate functions assigned at run-time by writing to
specific SFRs. The default operating mode (during
and after reset) for all three ports is GPIO input
mode. Port pins that have no external connection
will not float because each pin has an internal
weak pull-up (~150K ohms) to V
I/O ports 3 and 4 are 5V tolerant, meaning they
can be driven/pulled externally up to 5.5V without
damage. The pins on Port 4 have a higher current
capability than the pins on Ports 1 and 3.
Three additional MCU ports (only on 80-pin
uPSD33xx devices) are dedicated to bring out the
8032 MCU address, data, and control signals to
external pins. One port, named MCUA[11:8], con-
tains four MCU address signal outputs. Another
port, named MCUAD[7:0], has eight multiplexed
address/data bidirectional signals. The third port
has MCU bus control outputs: read, write, program
fetch, and address latch. These ports are typically
used to connect external parallel peripherals and
memory devices, but they may NOT be used as
GPIO. Notice that only four of the eight upper ad-
dress signals come out to pins on the port MC-
UA[11:8]. If additional high-order address signals
are required on external pins (MCU addresses
A[15:12]), then these address signals can be
brought out as needed to PLD output pins or to the
Address Out mode pins on PSD Module ports.
See PSD Module section, “
Latched Address Out-
put Mode, page 177
for details.
Figure 16., page 55
represents the flexibility of pin
function routing controlled by the SFRs. Each of
the 24 pins on three ports, P1, P3, and P4, may be
individually routed on a pin-by-pin basis to a de-
sired function.
MCU Port Operating Modes
MCU port pins can operate as GPIO or as alter-
nate functions (see
Figure 17., page 56
Figure 19., page 57
Depending on the selected pin function, a particu-
lar pin operating mode will automatically be used:
GPIO - Quasi-bidirectional mode
UART0, UART1 - Quasi-bidirectional mode
SPI - Quasi-bidirectional mode
I2C - Open drain mode
ADC - Analog input mode
PCA output - Push-Pull mode
PCA input - Input only (Quasi-bidirectional)
Timer 0,1,2 - Input only (Quasi-bidirectional)
GPIO Function.
Ports in GPIO mode operate as
quasi-bidirectional pins, consistent with standard
8051 architecture. GPIO pins are individually con-
trolled by three SFRs:
SFR, P1 (
Table 25., page 57
SFR, P3 (
Table 26., page 58
SFR, P4 (
Table 27., page 58
These SFRs can be accessed using the Bit Ad-
dressing mode, an efficient way to control individ-
ual port pins.
GPIO Output.
Simply stated, when a logic '0' is
written to a bit in any of these port SFRs while in
GPIO mode, the corresponding port pin will enable
a low-side driver, which pulls the pin to ground,
and at the same time releases the high-side driver
and pull-ups, resulting in a logic'0' output. When a
logic '1' is written to the SFR, the low-side driver is
released, the high-side driver is enabled for just
one MCU_CLK period to rapidly make the 0-to1
transition on the pin, while weak active pull-ups
(total ~150K ohms) to V
are enabled. This struc-
ture is consistent with standard 8051 architecture.
The high side driver is momentarily enabled only
for 0-to-1 transitions, which is implemented with
the delay function at the latch output as pictured in
Figure 17., page 56
Figure 19., page 57
After the high-side driver is disabled, the two weak
pull-ups remain enabled resulting in a logic '1' out-
put at the pin, sourcing I
uA to an external de-
vice. Optionally, an external pull-up resistor can be
added if additional source current is needed while
outputting a logic '1.'