As described earlier, caches provide fast temporary data storage, and they make the speedup of memory
accesses transparent to the user. In general, the CPU core accesses cache-resident instructions or data through
the following procedure:
1. The CPU core, through the on-chip cache controller, attempts to access the next instruction or data in the
appropriate cache.
2. The cache controller checks to see if this instruction or data is present in the cache.
If the instruction/data is present, the CPU core retrieves it. This is called a cache hit.
If the instruction/data is not present in the cache, the cache controller must retrieve it from memory. This is
called a cache miss.
3. The CPU core retrieves the instruction/data from the cache and operation continues.
It is possible for the same data to be in two places (main memory and cache) simultaneously. This data is kept
consistent through the use of a write-back methodology; that is, modified data is not written back to memory until the
cache line is to be replaced.
Instruction and data cache line replacement operations are described in the following sections.
8.3.1 Cache Write Policy
The V
4100 CPU core manages its data cache by using a write-back policy; that is, it stores write data into the
cache, instead of writing it directly to memory
the V
4102 implementation, a modified cache line is not written back to the main memory until the cache line is to be
replaced either in the course of satisfying a cache miss, or during the execution of a write-back CACHE instruction.
When the CPU core writes a cache line back to the main memory, it does not ordinarily retain a copy of the cache
line, and the state of the cache line is changed to invalid.
. Some time later this data is independently written into memory. In
Write-through cache policy performs the function contrary to the write-back policy. Data written into memory
is also written into cache simultaneously.