The video control signals SYSBL, SYSVS, and SYSHS are latched on the rising edge of LCLK to maintain
synchronization with the color data. In the VGA modes, VGAHS, VGAVS, and VGABL are latched on the
rising edge of CLK0. These signals add appropriate weighted current sources to the IOG analog output as
shown in Figures 2–15, 2–16, 2–17, producing the specific output levels required for video applications. The
CR05 command bit is used to specify whether a 0 or 7.5 IRE blanking pedestal is to be used. Command
register bit CR03 specifies whether the IOG (green) output channel contains sync information.
Video Generation
SENSE is a logic 0 if one or more of the IOR, IOG, IOB outputs have exceeded the internal voltage reference
level of the SENSE comparator circuit. This output is used to determine the presence of the CRT monitor,
and the diagnostic code, the difference between a loaded or an unloaded RGB line can be discerned. The
SENSE voltage reference is specified in Section 3.4 under operating characteristics. It is derived from a
1.235-V reference on the REF terminal. If the internal voltage reference is used, then slightly higher
tolerances can be assumed. In general, the DAC low voltage should be set to less than 260 mV, and the
DAC high voltage to greater than 410 mV.
SENSE Output
2.4.15 Command Register 0 (RS value = 10110)
Table 2–23. Command Register 0 (RS value = 10110)
Control Register Bit Definitions
0: Disable (default)
Command register 3 and 4 enable. If this bit is set to logic 1, then command
registers 3 and 4 can be accessed indirectly.
1: Enable
0: Normal operation
Clock disable ANDed with CR00. If this bit is set to a logic 1 while CR00 is a
logic 1, then the internal dot clock is disabled to conserve system power.
1: Disable internal dot
0: 0 IRE (default)
Pedestal control. This bit specifies whether a 0 or 7.5 IRE blanking pedestal
is to be generated on the video outputs.
1: 7.5 IRE
0: Disable (default)
Sync on blue – not supported on TVP3025
1: Enable
0: Disable (default)
Sync enable. This bit specifies whether sync information is to be output onto
1: Enable
0: Disable (default)
Sync on red – not supported on TVP3025
1: Enable
0: 6-bit operation (default)
This bit specifies if the MPU is reading and writing 8 bits (logical 1) or 6 bits
(logical 0) of color information
1: 8-bit operation (high)
0: Normal operation
DAC power down bit. If this bit is a logic 1, the DACs are internally powered
down for sleep mode operation
1: Power down enable
NOTE: At device reset into BT485 mode or when this register is written in BT485 mode, TVP3025 miscellaneous-control
register bit 2 is set to logic 1.
The following command register 0 bits are written into the following TVP3025 indirect register bits: CR00 into
miscellaneous-control register bit 0, CR01 into miscellaneous-control register bit 3, CR03 into general-control
register bit 5, CR05 into general-control register bit 4, and CR06 into miscellaneous-control register bit 1.
This register is not initialized at power up. All command registers are set to logic 0 when a low signal is asserted
at the RESET terminal.