General-purpose timers
STM32W108CB, STM32W108HB
Doc ID 16252 Rev 3
Figure 32.
Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 1)
The capture/compare block is made of a buffer register and a shadow register. Writes and
reads always access the buffer register.
In capture mode, captures are first written to the shadow register, then copied into the buffer
In compare mode, the content of the buffer register is copied into the shadow register which
is compared to the counter.
Input capture mode
In input capture mode, a capture/compare register (TIMx_CCRy) latches the value of the
counter after a transition is detected by the corresponding ICy signal. When a capture
occurs, the corresponding INT_TIMCCyIF flag in the INT_TIMxFLAG register is set, and an
interrupt request is sent if enabled.
If a capture occurs when the INT_TIMCCyIF flag is already high, then the missed capture
flag INT_TIMMISSCCyIF in the INT_TIMxMISS register is set. INT_TIMCCyIF can be
cleared by software writing a 1 to its bit or reading the captured data stored in the
TIMx_CCRy register. To clear the INT_TIMMISSCCyIF bit, write a 1 to it.
The following example shows how to capture the counter value in the TIMx_CCR1 when the
TI1 input rises.
Select the active input: TIMx_CCR1 must be linked to the TI1 input, so write the
TIM_CC1S bits to 01 in the TIMx_CCMR1 register. As soon as TIM_CC1S becomes
different from 00, the channel is configured in input and the TIMx_CCR1 register
becomes read-only.
Program the required input filter duration with respect to the signal connected to the
timer, when the input is one of the TIy (ICyF bits in the TIMx_CCMR1 register).
Consider a situation in which, when toggling, the input signal is unstable during at most
5 internal clock cycles. The filter duration must be longer than these 5 clock cycles. The
transition on TI1 can be validated when 8 consecutive samples with the new level have
been detected (sampled at PCLK frequency). To do this, write the TIM_IC1F bits to
0011 in the TIMx_CCMR1 register.
Select the edge of the active transition on the TI1 channel by writing the TIM_CC1P bit
to 0 in the TIMx_CCER register (rising edge in this case).
Program the input prescaler: In this example, the capture is to be performed at each
valid transition, so the prescaler is disabled (write the TIM_IC1PS bits to 00 in the
TIMx_CCMR1 register).