Rev. 1.3
3.5.1. Ordering a Custom NVM Configuration
The Si5338 is orderable with a factory-programmed
custom NVM configuration. This is the simplest way of
using the Si5338 since it generates the desired output
frequencies at power-up or after a power-on reset
(POR). This default configuration can be reconfigured in
RAM through the I2C interface after power-up (see
Custom 7-bit I2C addresses may also be requested.
Note that for the A/B/C devices, the I2C LS bit address
is the logical “or” of the I2C address LS bit in Register 27
and the state of the I2C_LSB pin. If I2C_LSB pin
functionality is required, custom I2C addresses may
only be even numbers. For all other variants of the
device, custom I2C addresses may be even or odd
Configuring the Si5338 without ClockBuilder Desktop
for more details.
The first step in ordering a custom device is generating
an NVM file which defines the input and output clock
frequencies and signal formats. This is easily done
using the ClockBuilder Desktop software (see
"3.1.1.GUI based software generates an NVM file, which is
used by the factory to manufacture custom parts. Each
custom part is marked with a unique part number
identifying the specific configuration (e.g., Si5338C-
A00100-GM). Consult your local sales representative
for more details on ordering a custom Si5338.
3.5.2. Creating a New Configuration for RAM
Any Si5338 device can be configured by writing to
registers in RAM through the I2C interface. A non-
factory programmed device must be configured in this
The first step is to determine all the register values for
the required configuration. This can be accomplished by
one of two methods.
1. Create a device configuration (register map) using
ClockBuilder Desktop (v3.0 or later; see
"3.1.1.a. Configure the frequency plan.
b. Configure the output driver format and supply
c. Configure frequency and/or phase inc/dec (if
d. Configure spread spectrum (if desired).
e. Configure for zero-delay mode (if desired,
If needed go to the Advanced tab and make
additional configurations.
g. Save the configuration using the Options >
Save Register Map File or Options > Save C
code Header.
2. Create a device configuration, register by register,
using the Si5338 Reference Manual.
3.5.3. Writing a Custom Configuration to RAM
Writing a new configuration (register map) to the RAM
consists of pausing the LOL state-machine, writing new
values to the IC accounting for the write-allowed mask
(see the Si5338 Reference Manual, “10. Si5338
Registers”), validating the input clock or crystal, locking
the PLL to the input with the new configuration,
restarting the LOL state-machine, and calibrating the
VCO for robust operation across temperature. The flow
chart in
Figure 9 enumerates the details:
Note: The write-allowed mask specifies which bits must be
read and modified before writing the entire register
byte (a.k.a. read-modify-write). “AN428: Jump Start: In-
System, Flash-Based Programming for Silicon Labs’
Timing Products” illustrates the procedure defined in
3.5.2 with ANSI C code.