Rev. 1.61
Revision 1.41 to Revision 1.42
16-pin ESOIC dimension A1 corrected in
Table 50Delay time between chip selects, tcs, changed from
C18, C19 changed from 1.0 F to 4.7 F in
Recommended value for Indirect Register 40
Added QFN package option.
Revision 1.42 to Revision 1.43
Added TO-92 transistor suppliers to BOM.
Updated to include product revision designator.
“Lead-Free” changed to “Lead-Free and RoHS-
Added additional decoupling components to VDDA1,
VDDA2, and VDDD.
Added additional decoupling components to VDDA1,
VDDA2, and VDDD.
Added additional decoupling components to VDDA1,
VDDA2, and VDDD.
Added optional components to STIPE, SRINGE, and
SVBAT pins to improve idle channel noise.
Added additional decoupling components to VDDA1,
VDDA2, and VDDD.
Added optional components to STIPE, SRINGE, and
SVBAT pins to improve idle channel noise.
Changed A1 max dimension from 0.10 to 0.15.
Revision 1.43 to Revision 1.44
Updated Figure 9.
Moved the schematic for the supply filtering network for
VDDA1, VDDA2, and VDDD from the bottom of the
diagram to the top.
Moved the symbol for C26 closer to the VBATH pin on
the Si3201 symbol.
Changed R26 to 10 k
Added Note 5.
Updated Figure 12.
Moved the schematic for the supply filtering network for
VDDA1, VDDA2, and VDDD from the bottom of the
diagram to the top.
Moved the symbol for C9 closer to the VBATH pin on the
Si3201 symbol.
Changed R26 to 10 k
Added Note 4.
Updated Figure 13.
Moved the schematic for the supply filtering network for
VDDA1, VDDA2, and VDDD from the bottom of the
diagram to the top.
Added Note 5 and moved the symbol for C26 to better
illustrate its optimal position in a board layout.
Changed R26 to 10 k
Added Note 6.
Updated Figure 14.
Moved the schematic for the supply filtering network for
VDDA1, VDDA2, and VDDD from the bottom of the
diagram to the top.
Added Note 3 and moved the symbol for C26 to better
illustrate its optimal position in a board layout.
Added Note 4.
Changed R26 to 10 k
Corrected connection between D1 and the linefeed
Added Note 5
Updated Table 3.
Corrected longitudinal current per pin for EBTO/
EBTA = 10 to 12 mA.
Updated Table 8.
Filled-in typical values for IVDD and IBAT for VDDD,
VDDA =3.3 V.
Updated Table 11.
Renamed "PCLK Period Jitter Tolerance" to
"PCLK-to-FSYNC Jitter Tolerance".
Added Note 2.
Updated Table 12.
Changed current rating of L2 to 150 mA.
Added new row for R26 and changed the value to
10 k
Added title for AN45 to description of R28 and R29.
Added column for component package type.
Added Note 1.
Updated Table 13.
Added column for component package type.
Updated Table 14.
Added column for component package type.
Updated Table 15.
Changed current rating of L2 to 150 mA.
Added new row for R26 and changed the value to
10 k
Rearranged the rows for R8 through R32 to be in
numerical order.
Added column for component package type.
Added Note 1.