Philips Semiconductors
Objective specification
2000 Feb 10
Modification of the IVR
Bits 7:3
Always contains bits (7:3) of the IVR
Bits 2:1
Will be replaced with current interrupt
type if IVC field of GCCR = 3
Bit 0
Replaced with interrupting channel
number if IVC field of GCCR > 1
The table above indicates how the IVR may be modified by the interrupting source. The modification of the IVR as it is presented to the data bus
during an IACK cycle is controlled by the setting of the bits (2:1) in the GCCR (Global Chip Configuration Register).
GICR – Global Interrupting Channel Register
Bits 7:1
Bit 0
Channel code
0 = a
1 = b
A register associated with the interrupting channel as defined in the CIR. It contains the channel number for the interrupting channel.
GIBCR – Global Interrupting Byte Count Register
Bits 7:0
Channel byte count code
00000001 = 1
00000010 = 2
11111111 = 255
00000000 = 256
A register associated with the interrupting channel as defined in the
CIR. Its numerical value equals TxEL or RxFL at the time IACKN or
“Update CIR” command was issued . The true number of bytes
ready for transfer to the transmitter or transfer from the receiver. It is
undefined for other types of interrupts
GITR – Global Interrupting Type Register
Bit 7:6
Receiver Interrupt
0x = not receiver
10 = with receive errors
11 = w/o receive errors
Bit 5
Transmitter Interrupt
0 = not transmitter
1 = transmitter interrupt
Bit 4:3
read 0x00
Bit 2:0
Other types
000 = not ”other” type
001 = Change of State
010 = Address Recognition Event
011 = Xon/Xoff status
100 = Rx Watchdog
101 = Break Change
110 = Counter Timer
111 = Rx Loop Back Error
A register associated with the interrupting channel as defined in the CIR. It contains the type of interrupt code for all interrupts.
GRxFIFO – Global RxFIFO Register
Bits 7:0
8 data bits of RxFIFO. MSBs set to 0 for 7, 6, 5 bit data
The RxFIFO of the channel indicated in the CIR channel field. Undefined when the CIR interrupt context is not a receiver interrupt.
TxFIFO Register
GTxFIFO – Global TxFIFO Register
Bits 7:0
8 data bits of TxFIFO. MSBs not used for 7, 6, 5 bit data
The TxFIFO of the channel indicated in the CIR channel field. Undefined when the CIR interrupt context is not a transmitter interrupt. Writing to
the GTxFIFO when the current interrupt is not a transmitter event may result in the characters being transmitted on a different channel than
BCRBRK – Bidding Control Register – Break Change, A and B
Bits 7:0
MSBs of break change interrupt bid
This register provides the 8 MSBs of the Interrupt Arbitration number for a break change interrupt.
BCRCOS – Bidding Control Register – Change of State, A and B
Bits 7:0
MSBs of Change of state detectors (COS) interrupt bid
This register provides the 8 MSBs of the Interrupt Arbitration number for a Change of State, COS, interrupt.