Sleep Mode activation needs additional A to D conversion
If the ADC sleep mode is activated when the ADC is idle the ADC will not enter sleep mode
before after the next AD conversion.
Activate the sleep mode in the mode register and then perform an AD conversion.
ISO7816 info register US_NER cannot be read
The NER register always returns zero.
The LIN ID is not transmitted in mode PDCM='0'
Using USART in mode LIN master with the PDCM bit = '0', the LINID written at the first
address of the transmit buffer is not used. The LINID must be written in the LINIR register,
after the configuration and start of the PDCA transfer. Writing the LINID in the LINIR register
will start the transfer whenever the PDCA transfer is ready.
The LINID interrupt is only available for the header reception and not available for the
header transmission
USART LIN mode is not functional with the PDCA if PDCM bit in LINMR register is set
to 1
If a PDCA transfer is initiated in USART LIN mode with PDCM bit set to 1, the transfer never
Only use PDCM=0 configuration with the PDCA transfer.
The RTS output does not function correctly in hardware handshaking mode
The RTS signal is not generated properly when the USART receives data in hardware hand-
shaking mode. When the Peripheral DMA receive buffer becomes full, the RTS output
should go high, but it will stay low.
Do not use the hardware handshaking mode of the USART. If it is necessary to drive the
RTS output high when the Peripheral DMA receive buffer becomes full, use the normal
mode of the USART. Configure the Peripheral DMA Controller to signal an interrupt when
the receive buffer is full. In the interrupt handler code, write a one to the RTSDIS bit in the
USART Control Register (CR). This will drive the RTS output high. After the next DMA trans-
fer is started and a receive buffer is available, write a one to the RTSEN bit in the USART
CR so that RTS will be driven low.
ISO7816 Mode T1: RX impossible after any TX
RX impossible after any TX.
SOFT_RESET on RX+ Config US_MR + Config_US_CR.