S29CD-G Flash Family
S29CD-G_00_B1 March 3, 2009
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12.13 Initial Access Delay Configuration
The frequency configuration informs the device of the number of clocks that must elapse after ADV# is driven
active before data is available. This value is determined by the input clock frequency.
13. Sector Protection
The device features several levels of sector protection, which can disable both the program and erase
operations in certain sectors or sector groups
Sector and Sector Groups
The distinction between sectors and sector groups is fundamental to sector protection. Sector are individual
sectors that can be individually sector protected/unprotected. These are the outermost 4 Kword boot sectors,
Sector groups are a collection of three or four adjacent 32 kword sectors. For example, sector group SG8 is
comprised of sector SA8 to SA10. When any sector in a sector group is protected/unprotected, every sector
Persistent Sector Protection
A command sector protection method that replaces the old 12 V controlled protection method.
Password Sector Protection
A highly sophisticated protection method that requires a password before changes to certain sectors or sector
groups are permitted.
WP# Hardware Protection
A write protect pin that can prevent program or erase to the two outermost 8 Kbytes sectors in the 75% bank.
All parts default to operate in the Persistent Sector Protection mode. The customer must then choose if the
Persistent or Password Protection method is most desirable. There are two one-time programmable non-
volatile bits that define which sector protection method is used. If the customer decides to continue using the
Persistent Sector Protection method, they must set the Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit.
This permanently sets the part to operate only using Persistent Sector Protection. If the customer decides to
use the password method, they must set the Password Mode Locking Bit. This permanently sets the part to
operate only using password sector protection.
It is important to remember that setting either the Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit or the
Password Mode Locking Bit permanently selects the protection mode. It is not possible to switch between
the two methods once a locking bit is set. It is important that one mode is explicitly selected when the
device is first programmed, rather than relying on the default mode alone. This is so that it is not
possible for a system program or virus to later set the Password Mode Locking Bit, which would cause an
unexpected shift from the default Persistent Sector Protection Mode into the Password Protection Mode.
The WP# Hardware Protection feature is always available, independent of the software managed protection
method chosen.
Persistent Sector Protection
The Persistent Sector Protection method replaces the old 12 V controlled protection method while at the
same time enhancing flexibility by providing three different sector protection states:
Persistently Locked—A sector is protected and cannot be changed.
Dynamically Locked—The sector is protected and can be changed by a simple command
Unlocked—The sector is unprotected and can be changed by a simple command
In order to achieve these states, three types of bits are going to be used: