Atmel ATmega328P [Preliminary]
Timer/Counter2 is used to wake up the device. Otherwise, the MCU will enter sleep mode
before the changes are effective. This is particularly important if any of the Output Compare2
interrupt is used to wake up the device, since the Output Compare function is disabled during
writing to OCR2x or TCNT2. If the write cycle is not finished, and the MCU enters sleep mode
before the corresponding OCR2xUB bit returns to zero, the device will never receive a
compare match interrupt, and the MCU will not wake up.
If Timer/Counter2 is used to wake the device up from Power-save or ADC Noise Reduction
mode, precautions must be taken if the user wants to re-enter one of these modes: If
re-entering sleep mode within the TOSC1 cycle, the interrupt will immidiately occur and the
device wake up again. The result is multiple interrupts and wake-ups within one TOSC1 cycle
from the first interrupt. If the user is in doubt whether the time before re-entering Power-save or
ADC Noise Reduction mode is sufficient, the following algorithm can be used to ensure that
one TOSC1 cycle has elapsed:
Write a value to TCCR2x, TCNT2, or OCR2x.
Wait until the corresponding Update Busy Flag in ASSR returns to zero.
Enter Power-save or ADC Noise Reduction mode.
When the asynchronous operation is selected, the 32.768 kHz Oscillator for Timer/Counter2 is
always running, except in Power-down and Standby modes. After a Power-up Reset or
wake-up from Power-down or Standby mode, the user should be aware of the fact that this
Oscillator might take as long as one second to stabilize. The user is advised to wait for at least
one second before using Timer/Counter2 after power-up or wake-up from Power-down or
Standby mode. The contents of all Timer/Counter2 Registers must be considered lost after a
wake-up from Power-down or Standby mode due to unstable clock signal upon start-up, no
matter whether the Oscillator is in use or a clock signal is applied to the TOSC1 pin.
Description of wake up from Power-save or ADC Noise Reduction mode when the timer is
clocked asynchronously: When the interrupt condition is met, the wake up process is started
on the following cycle of the timer clock, that is, the timer is always advanced by at least one
before the processor can read the counter value. After wake-up, the MCU is halted for four
cycles, it executes the interrupt routine, and resumes execution from the instruction following
Reading of the TCNT2 Register shortly after wake-up from Power-save may give an incorrect
result. Since TCNT2 is clocked on the asynchronous TOSC clock, reading TCNT2 must be
done through a register synchronized to the internal I/O clock domain. Synchronization takes
place for every rising TOSC1 edge. When waking up from Power-save mode, and the I/O clock
I/O) again becomes active, TCNT2 will read as the previous value (before entering sleep)
until the next rising TOSC1 edge. The phase of the TOSC clock after waking up from
Power-save mode is essentially unpredictable, as it depends on the wake-up time. The
recommended procedure for reading TCNT2 is thus as follows:
Write any value to either of the registers OCR2x or TCCR2x.
Wait for the corresponding Update Busy Flag to be cleared.
Read TCNT2.