8111C–MCU Wireless–09/09
High Data Rate Modes
The main features are:
High Data Rate Transmission up to 2 Mb/s.
Support of Basic and Extended Operating Mode
Support of other features of the Extended Feature Set
Reduced ACK timing (optional)
The AT86RF231 also supports alternative data rates, higher than 250 kb/s for applications
beyond IEEE 802.15.4 compliant networks.
The selection of a data rate does not affect the remaining functionality. Thus it is possible to run
all features and operating modes of the radio transceiver in various combinations.
The data rate can be selected by writing to register bits OQPSK_DATA_RATE (register 0x0C,
The High Data Rate Modes occupy the same RF channel bandwidth as the IEEE 802.15.4-
2.4 GHz 250 kb/s standard mode. Due to the decreased spreading factor, the sensitivity of the
for different data rates.
By default there is no header based signaling of the data rate within a transmitted frame. Thus
nodes using a data rate other than the default IEEE 802.15.4 data rate of 250 kb/s are to be con-
figured in advance and consistently. Alternatively the configurable start of frame delimiter (SFD)
High Data Rate Packet Structure
In order to allow appropriate frame synchronization, higher data rate modulation is restricted to
the payload octets only. The SHR and the PHR field are transmitted with the IEEE 802.15.4
A comparison of the general packet structure for different data rates with an example PSDU
Table 11-8.
High Data Rate Sensitivity
High Data Rate
250 kb/s
-101 dBm
≤ 1%, PSDU length of 20 octets
500 kb/s
-97 dBm
≤ 1%, PSDU length of 20 octets
1000 kb/s
-95 dBm
≤ 1%, PSDU length of 20 octets
2000 kb/s
-89 dBm
≤ 1%, PSDU length of 20 octets