Communication Processor Module
If this bit is set, the character in the CHARSEND field is transmitted. The TX bit is then set
in the SCCE–UART register and the core may be interrupted.
CT—Clear-to-Send Lost
This status bit indicates that the CTS signal was negated when this character was
transmitted. If negation occurs, the CT bit in the UART transmit buffer descriptor is also set.
The DIAG field in the GSMR_L controls whether the CTS signal is monitored by the serial
communication controller.
0 = In multidrop mode, the character being sent is a data character.
1 = In multidrop mode, the character being sent is address character.
CHARSEND—Character Send
This field contains the character to be transmitted. Any 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit character value can
be transmitted in accordance with the SCC2 UART configuration. The character is in the
least-significant bits of CHARSEND. This value can be modified only while the REA bit is
cleared. SENDING A BREAK. A break is an all-zeros character without a stop bit and
you can send it by issuing the STOP TRANSMIT command. The SCC2 UART controller
finishes transmitting any outstanding data, sends a programmable number of break
characters according to the BRKCR, and then reverts to idle or sends data if the RESTART
TRANSMIT command was given before completion. When the break code is complete, the
transmitter sends at least one high bit before transmitting anymore data to guarantee a valid
start bit will be recognized. The break characters do not preempt characters already in the
transmit FIFO, which means that the break character may not be transmitted for eight or four
character times. To reduce this latency, set the TFL bit in the GSMR_H so that the FIFO size
will be reduced to one character before the SCC2 transmitter is enabled. SENDING A PREAMBLE. A preamble sequence is a convenient way for you to
ensure that a line is idle before you start a new message. The preamble sequence length is
constructed of consecutive ones of one character length. If the P bit in the UART transmit
buffer descriptor is set, the serial communication controller sends a preamble sequence
before transmitting that data buffer. For example, for 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 1
start bit, a preamble of 10 ones is sent before the first character in the buffer.
If the CTS signal is negated during transmission and the communication
processor module transmits this character in the middle of a buffer transmission,
the CTS signal could actually have been negated either during this character’s
transmission or during a buffer character’s transmission. In either case, the
communication processor module sets the CT bit both here and in the TX buffer
descriptor status word.