Watchdog Timer
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C / 62P Group
Preliminary Specifications Rev.1.0
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer is the function of detecting when the program is out of control. Therefore, we recom-
mend using the watchdog timer to improve reliability of a system. The watchdog timer contains a 15-bit
counter which counts down the clock derived by dividing the CPU clock using the prescaler. Whether to
generate a watchdog timer interrupt request or apply a watchdog timer reset as an operation to be per-
formed when the watchdog timer underflows after reaching the terminal count can be selected using the
PM12 bit of PM1 register. The PM12 bit can only be set to “1” (reset). Once this bit is set to “1”, it cannot be
set to “0” (watchdog timer interrupt) in a program.
The pin, CPU and SFR initialized where the monitor timer underflows when the PM12 bit is “1” are the same
as in software reset.
When the main clock is selected for CPU clock, the divide-by-N value for the prescaler can be chosen to be
16 or 128. If a sub-clock is selected for CPU clock, the divide-by-N value for the prescaler is always 2 no
matter how the WDC7 bit is set. The period of watchdog timer can be calculated as given below. The period
of watchdog timer is, however, subject to an error due to the prescaler.
For example, when CPU clock = 16 MHz and the divide-by-N value for the prescaler= 16, the watchdog
timer period is approx. 32.8 ms.
The watchdog timer is initialized by writing to the WDTS register. The prescaler is initialized after reset.
Note that the watchdog timer and the prescaler both are inactive after reset, so that the watchdog timer is
activated to start counting by writing to the WDTS register.
In stop mode, wait mode and hold state, the watchdog timer and prescaler are stopped. Counting is re-
sumed from the held value when the modes or state are released.
Figure 1.12.1 shows the block diagram of the watchdog timer. Figure 1.12.2 shows the watchdog timer-
related registers.
Count source protective mode
In this mode, a ring oscillator clock is used for the watchdog timer count source. The watchdog timer can be
kept being clocked even when CPU clock stops as a result of run-away.
Before this mode can be used, the following register settings are required:
(1) Set the PRC1 bit of PRCR register to “1” (enable writes to PM1 and PM2 registers).
(2) Set the PM12 bit of PM1 register to “1” (reset when the watchdog timer underflows).
(3) Set the PM22 bit of PM2 register to “1” (ring oscillator clock used for the watchdog timer count source).
(4) Set the PRC1 bit of PRCR register to “0” (disable writes to PM1 and PM2 registers).
(5) Write to the WDTS register (watchdog timer starts counting).
With main clock chosen for CPU clock
Watchdog timer period =
Prescaler dividing (16 or 128) X Watchdog timer count (32768)
CPU clock
With sub-clock chosen for CPU clock
Watchdog timer period =
Prescaler dividing (2) X Watchdog timer count (32768)
CPU clock