programmed on DQ0-DQ7. In this mode, DQ8-
DQ14 are at high impedance and DQ15A–1 is the
LSB address bit, making the Flash array to be
accessed with A–1-A18 Adress lines. In this mode,
data in the EEPROM array (x8) are read and
programmed on DQ0-DQ7 and the array is ac-
cessed with A–1-A13. The 64 bytes OTP are read
and programmed on DQ0-DQ7 and are accessed
with A-1 - A4 and A6 = 0.
Address Inputs (A0-A18).
The address inputs for
the memory array are latched during a write opera-
tion on the falling edge at Chip Enable (EE or EF)
or Write Enable W. In Word-wide organisation the
address lines are A0-A18, in Byte-wide organisa-
tion DQ15A–1 acts as an additional LSB address
line. When A9 is raised to V
, either a Read
Electronic Signature Manufacturer or Device Code,
Block Protection Status or a Write Block Protection
or Block Unprotection is enabled depending on the
combination of levels on A0, A1, A6, A12 and A15.
Data Input/Output (DQ0-DQ7).
These In-
puts/Outputs are used in the Byte-wide and Word-
wide organisations. The input is data to be
programmed in the memory array or a command
to be written. Both are latched on the rising edge
of Chip Enable (EE or EF) or Write Enable W. The
output is data from the Memory Array, the Elec-
tronic Signature Manufacturer or Device codes, the
Block Protection Status or the Status register Data
Polling bit DQ7, the Toggle Bits DQ6 and DQ2, the
Error bit DQ5 or the Erase Timer bit DQ3. Outputs
are valid when Chip Enable (EE or EF) and Output
Enable G are active. The output is high impedance
when the chip is deselected or the outputs are
disabled and when RP is at a Low level.
Data Input/Outputs (DQ8-DQ14 and DQ15A–1).
These Inputs/Outputs are additionally used in the
Word-wide organisation. When BYTE is High DQ8-
DQ14 and DQ15A–1 act as the MSB of the Data
Input or Output, functioning as described for DQ0-
DQ7 above, and DQ8 - DQ15 are ’don’t care’ for
command inputs or status outputs. When BYTE is
Low, DQ8-DQ14 are high impedance, DQ15A–1 is
the Address A–1 input.
Memory Array Enable (EE and EF).
The Memory
Array Enable (EE or EF) activates the memory
control logic, input buffers, decoders and sense
amplifiers. When the EE input is driven high, the
EEPROM memory array is not selected; when the
EF input is driven high, the Flash memory array is
not selected. Attempts to access both EEPROM
and Flash arrays (EE low and EF low) are forbid-
den. Switching between the two memory array
enables (EE and EF) must not be made on the
same clock cycle, a delay of greater than t
be inserted.
The M39832 is in standby when both EF and EE
are High (when no internal Erase or programming
is running). The power consumption is reduced to
the standby level and the outputs are in the high
impedance state, independent of the Output En-
able G or Write Enable W inputs.
After 150ns of inactivity and when the addresses
are driven at CMOS levels, the chip automatically
enters a pseudo standby mode where consumption
is reduced to the CMOS standby value, while the
outputs continue to drive the bus.
Output Enable (G).
The Output Enable gates the
outputs through the data buffers during a read
operation. The data outputs are in the high imped-
ance state when the Output Enable G is High.
During Block Protect and Block Unprotect opera-
tions, the G input must be forced to V
level (12V
+ 0.5V) (for Flash memory array only).
Ambient Operating Temperature
–40 to 85
Temperature Under Bias
–50 to 125
Storage Temperature
–65 to 150
IO (2)
Input or Output Voltages
–0.6 to 5
Supply Voltage
–0.6 to 5
, V
, V
EF (2)
A9, G, EF Voltage
–0.6 to 13.5
1. Except for the rating "Operating Temperature Range", stresses above those listed in the Table "Absolute Maximum Ratings"
may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other
conditions above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum
Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Refer also to the STMicroelectronics SURE Program and other
relevant quality documents.
2. Minimum Voltage may undershoot to –2V during transition and for less than 20ns.
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings