3874 Group User’s Manual
q SRDY3 output signal
The SRDY3 output is a transmit/receive enable signal which in-
forms the serial transfer destination that transmit/receive is ready.
In the initial status, that is, when the serial I/O initialization bit (b4)
is reset to “0”, the SRDY3 output goes to “L” and the SRDY3 output
goes to “H”. After transmitted data is stored in the serial I/O3 reg-
ister (address 001316) and a transmit/receive operation becomes
ready, the SRDY3 output goes to “H” and the SRDY3 output goes to
“L”. When a transmit/receive operation is started and the transfer
clock goes to “L”, the SRDY3 output goes to “L” and the SRDY3 out-
put goes to “H”.
q SRDY3 input signal
The SRDY3 input signal becomes valid only when the SRDY3 input
and the SBUSY3 output are used. The SRDY3 input is a signal for re-
ceiving a transmit/receive ready completion signal from the serial
transfer destination.
When the internal synchronous clock is selected, input a low level
signal into the SRDY3 input and a high level signal into the SRDY3
input in the initial status in which the transfer is stopped.
When an “H” level signal is input into the SRDY3 input and an “L”
level signal is input into the SRDY3 input for a period of 1.5 cycles
or more of transfer clock, transfer clocks are output from the SCLK3
output and a transmit/receive operation is started.
After the transmit/receive operation is started and an “L” level sig-
nal is input into the SRDY3 input and an “H” level signal into the
SRDY3 input, this operation cannot be immediately stopped.
After the specified number of bits are transmitted and received,
the transfer clocks from the SCLK3 output is stopped. The hand-
shake unit of the 8-bit serial I/O and that of the automatic transfer
serial I/O are of 8 bits. That of the arbitrary bit serial I/O is the bit
number adding “1” to the set value to the transfer counter.
When the external synchronous clock is selected, the SRDY3 input
becomes one of the triggers to output the SBUSY3 signal.
To start a transmit/receive operation (SBUSY3 output to “L”, SBUSY3
output to “H”), input an “H” level signal into the SRDY3 input and an
“L” level signal into the SRDY3 input, and also write transmit data
into the serial I/O3 register.
Fig. 48 SBUSY3 output operation in arbitrary bit serial I/O mode (internal synchronous clock)
Fig. 49 SRDY3 output operation
Fig. 50 SRDY3 input operation (internal synchronous clock)
Serial transfer
status flag
Automatic transfer RAM
→ Serial I/O3 register
Serial I/O3 register
→ Automatic transfer RAM
Automatic transfer
Write to serial
I/O3 register