Dec 22, 2006
page 35 of 142
4556 Group
(7) Timer input/output pin
(C/CNTR pin)
CNTR pin is used to input the timer 1 count source and output the
PWM signal generated by timer 2. When the PWM signal is output
from C/CNTR pin, set “0” to the output latch of port C.
The selection of CNTR output signal can be controlled by bit 3 of
register W2.
When the CNTR input is selected for timer 1 count source, timer 1
counts the waveform of CNTR input selected by bit 0 of register
W4. Also, when the CNTR input is selected, the output of port C is
invalid (high-impedance state).
(8) Timer interrupt request flags (T1F, T2F, T3F)
Each timer interrupt request flag is set to “1” when each timer
underflows. The state of these flags can be examined with the skip
instructions (SNZT1, SNZT2, SNZT3).
Use the interrupt control register V1, V2 to select an interrupt or a
skip instruction.
An interrupt request flag is cleared to “0” when an interrupt occurs
or when the next instruction is skipped with a skip instruction.
(9) Count start synchronization circuit (timer 1)
Timer 1 has the count start synchronous circuit which synchronizes
the input of INT pin, and can start the timer count operation.
Timer 1 count start synchronous circuit function is selected by set-
ting the bit 0 of register I1 to “1” and the control by INT pin input
can be performed.
When timer 1 count start synchronous circuit is used, the count
start synchronous circuit is set, the count source is input to each
timer by inputting valid waveform to INT pin.
The valid waveform of INT pin to set the count start synchronous
circuit is the same as the external interrupt activated condition.
Once set, the count start synchronous circuit is cleared by clearing
the bit I10 to “0” or reset.
However, when the count auto-stop circuit is selected, the count
start synchronous circuit is cleared (auto-stop) at the timer 1 under-
(10) Count auto-stop circuit (timer 1)
Timer 1 has the count auto-stop circuit which is used to stop timer
1 automatically by the timer 1 underflow when the count start syn-
chronous circuit is used.
The count auto-stop cicuit is valid by setting the bit 3 of register W1
to “1”. It is cleared by the timer 1 underflow and the count source to
timer 1 is stopped.
This function is valid only when the timer 1 count start synchronous
circuit is selected.
(11) Precautions
Note the following for the use of timers.
Stop counting and then execute the TABPS instruction to read
from prescaler data.
Stop counting and then execute the TPSAB instruction to set
prescaler data.
Timer count source
Stop timer 1, 2, and LC counting to change its count source.
Reading the count value
Stop timer 1 or 2 counting and then execute the data read in-
struction (TAB1, TAB2) to read its data.
Writing to the timer
Stop timer 1, 2 or LC counting and then execute the data write in-
struction (T1AB, T2AB, TLCA) to write its data.
Writing to reload register R1, R2H
When writing data to reload register R1 or reload regiser R2H
while timer 1 or timer 2 is operating, avoid a timing when timer 1
or timer 2 underflows.
Timer 2
Avoid a timing when timer 2 underflows to stop timer 2 at PWM
output function used.
When “H” interval extension function of the PWM signal is set to
be “valid”, set “1” or more to reload register R2H.
Timer 3
Stop timer 3 counting to change its count source.
Timer input/output pin
Set the port C output latch to “0” to output the PWM signal from
C/CNTR pin.